I am 5 days away from a true EMPTY NEST!! *sigh* The days seem to grow shorter and shorter as time approaches for my mini me to return back to VA and begin her journey towards the USAF enlistment! *PROUD MOM HERE*
I have found myself randomly thinking...A LOT...this week, some of the oddest of thoughts too.
My hair appointment to become part of #TEAMNATURAL is Friday at 7:30pm. I shiver at the thought. I keep hearing "its only hair" and "girl it'll grow back before you know it". I know both of those things but dang...I have quite a bit of hair now, hair that I've been growing for some time. I guess I am just supposed to let this go, aye? That's how this works...humph...that's how this works.
RANDOM THOUGHT: So I am sitting downtown waiting on the bus and suddenly it hits me AGAIN that I will be by myself in Jacksonville as of September 19th. You ever been surrounded by SO many people (friends, associates, acquaintances, frenemies, strangers) YET still feel alone? I mean UTTERLY alone...that's how I am feeling at this very moment.
*sigh* That's all for now...the way my mind is running there will be more blogging shortly.
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