The name STORM describes my chaotic and unpredictable nature. My GEMINI mind is ALWAYS running. Here you will find the twists, turns & adversities of my life including weight loss/fitness, natural hair care, my son's incarceration, firearm instruction and simply moving along my Journey to 50. May 2019 I obtained my B.S. in Converged Communications and now I am learning to love again. This will be interesting and to it all I say BRING IT!
Opinions can kill a vibe!
Today I made what I felt was a simple post on Facebook, it said "Females who get mad at the dude they are dating because he helps his children's mother are the REAL definition of a THOT!" Really, as my daughter so politely commented, they are more of a dumb ass than a thot. Now let me set the tone which I did not have to do on Facebook because I know what I meant and that is that but the thing about social media is once you post ANYTHING you open up discussion for others to offer their opinions. Let me say, just because we don't agree doesn't mean we don't like each other and I cannot, should not deny any sense you may make in your opinion either. With that said, I feel my post was misinterpreted to fit the opinions of others and when that happens it can create rifts in energy making some look bitter and unhappy! I had to ask
I recently had a conversation with a young lady who is pregnant with her second child, both children are by the same young man. This second pregnancy is nothing like the first, she has had multiple complications and as with any co-creation, assistance is often needed. The issue here is that she and the children's father are not together any longer. He barely does anything for the first child and now there is a second child on the way. This isn't a blog about bad choices but how to deal with what's left after the bad choices have been made. Now the father is in a new relationship with a young lady who seems to have jealousy issues. If he does anything for/with the mother for the sake of the children (born and unborn) there's an issue, so much to the point the young man will hang up on the mother/child to prevent from hearing the girlfriends mouth. I was taken back a little at the fact that a man will let another female dictate what he does for his children and their mother. That says a lot about the father as well and not in a good way.
This is what inspired the post and some of the responses truly had me floored. As I said above I did not disclose what prompted my post and did not feel I had to but for the sake of the blog I have. There are several participants on this post but the first one was from a female friend of mine. She, we'll call her female friend #1, said "They should be helping the child and what they need not the mother and her needs." My thought as soon as I read it was how do you just help a child without helping the mother? I am a mother of two and if I received any assistance for them it benefit the entire household. I had another friend add " I have to agree with friend 1 ... do for your child ONLY!!! The child's mother is in NO WAY his responsibility." Again, I am thinking about the reason for my post and my own personal experience as a mother could not wrap my brain around how you help the child(ren) ONLY and not help the mother. Not only that but how an intelligent woman could date a man who does not actively help out with this children. I am not talking about paying rent or bills as this young lady has that on lock. I don't and won't date a man with children under the age of 18, my personal preference, but I will say no matter the age of the children I watch how a man interacts and treats his children. If he is a piss poor father there is no way he can be that great of a man, that's just my opinion. I am not referencing men who are kept from their children by the mothers, that's another blog in itself but those who have ALL ACCESS and won't use it, that's truly
I had three male friends chime in and for the most part they all agreed if their children's mother needed help they would do what was needed. Male friend #1 is not going out like a punk but a real man. He is down for whatever it takes to make sure his child is good. In my opinion, that's what a real man does. Female friend #1 made a comment on male friend #2 comment about the mother utilizing resources like the bus or cabs if she needed to go anywhere and stop being prideful. It's not the fathers responsibility to run her around basically to which I responded "Why should she when her child's father has a car? That's not prideful that's shared responsibility." That's just stupid to me! Why should the mother of your children have to do any of that if you, as a father, have a car and are free to assist in getting her to prenatal appointments, food shopping or taking your child to school and picking her up? Male friend #2 responded "Noooo....if you have custody then you get the child wherever they need to go. It can't be selective shared responsibility. Just because i have a car doesn't mean I am an Uber. When you have custody you have assumed more responsibility over the welfare of the child." I respectfully agreed to disagree but that did not sit well with me at all and it doesn't matter, he's not a father of my children.
So let me bring this to a close, had my two female friends with the strong opinions of how a man shouldn't do anything for the mother, ONLY the children, said "it depends on the situation" it may not have come off so harsh sounding but they were sounding bitter and one of my male friends made reference to that. I agree 100% with them, no man should have to totally support the mother of his children if she is able bodied but just not doing anything. I agree with a father taking full time custodial duties if the mother can't properly take care of the child(ren) but honestly, how many men will step up to the plate on that? Lets be honest. There was a strong assumption that my post was all inclusive of paying the mothers bills and anything else SHE needs when it was only about the needs of the children, born and unborn and of course with the unborn that means the mother has to be involved. No getting around that.
What about my character would make anyone think I would side with a woman who is a piss poor mother? My son's father wasn't there for us so I had to handle parenting for both roles. I won't give ANY female who doesn't take care of her responsibilities a break and will gladly side with the new girlfriend but this was not the case. What it really all boils down to is if you don't want to have to deal with these types of issues at all
What is your opinion on this matter? I am actually asking for it this time and you have the benefit of knowing the reason being the post. Hope to get some feed back.
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As the child's father you help with the things the mother has to deal with as a direct result of caring for your child, that's the long version of help the child not the mother. Personal things she desires that are unrelated or unnecessary to raise, house and feed his child are her business and her responsibility. New girlfriend needs to chill out and evaluate her "dude requirements", if won't help baby momma with baby, what's he worth beyond short-term and bootycalls to you?
ReplyDeleteNails, crab trays, weave, purses, make-up, fly outfits, club nights etc ain't part of raising shawty-long if ya miss all that be sure to be civil enough with each other to share looking out for y'alls kid on a shared basis so you can both have free time to get your new/old swerve on.
You don't have to be nice or nasty to each other, just fair and effective for your kid. As far as cost sharing,post relationship, 50/50 period because, the sweet chivalrous ship has sailed and is booking new passengers in most cases, honeymoon and fairytale are over. It's hey, what does our child need, okay and bye. Some may have a more sweet version of "after it's over" but, I say we're not together for a reason and I'm not trying to revisit "why". So child related expenses, shared and extras, oh well.
This is a great response Bruh Bruh but I expect nothing less from you. Thank you kindly! Check the FB post.
DeleteGreat blog. This my second marriage. My current wife used to get upset when I sent child support money to my daughter from my first marriage. We used to have arguements all the time and she always became upset when I sent money to help support a child that I help created. My daughter from my first marriage is 27 now, but when I sent Money to my ex..I caught hell in my home with my current wife. Why ? Idk, but probably because the current wife throught my ex was using my daughter to get back with me (which will never happen). I wasn't sending money to support any of my ex wife habits..I was sending child support to help out and making sure that my daughter needs were met.
ReplyDeleteThat's what a real man, great father does! I hope your spouse has changed those ways.
DeleteFirst, I love your blog! You inspire me Flower.
ReplyDeleteBut to answer your question; I agree with you. I see nothing wrong with a man helping out his child's mother. Regardless of why the relationship ended or who each parent is with now, two people created a life together. And that life should take precedence over everyones thoughts and feelings. Do I KNOW some women are triffling and try to use children as pawns to get back at or to the man, YES - however, I know that if the man's intentions are to be there for his child everything else is irrelevant. I've had my share of problems dealing with a "baby mama" but I have always encouraged Anthony to maintain a healthy friendship with her. Despite my own ego (bc that's really what it's all about) I always think of how good it must make their son feel to have all of his parents together smiling, comfortable and invested in his life. At the end of the day if something benefits her or her household it's going to benefit their child too. How can the child be ok if the mother isn't? And on the flip side, if he and I were to part ways i would still want him to be someone I could turn to if I was in a tough spot. I know I would be for him.
People think way too deep and complicate things.
The last line you typed ... YES YES YES!!! HEY FLOWER!!! I aspire to inspire so my job is being done. A child cannot be ok if the mother is not ok, it's just that simple. Glad you are doing well in that area. ;)
DeleteAdditionally folks either don't want to draw a line, can't see the line or don't know where to place it with this "help". My thought is this things that you had to do with or without a child are not the father's responsibility. Resources that don't change in cost based on having a child, your responsibility like, your car note fixed, rent fixed, your phone (kinda) fixed and things like that you just have to make it happen. Surprised expenses that pop up get sorted out with your mate and if you're single you use your network and such. If you reach out to your ex for "help not owed" at best expect to have to pay that back, past relationship and children aren't a discount on your life needs. If something the child needs is being impacted call and respectfully state lil Billy or Sally need to get to blah blah blah what can you do? Inside the relationship there's times where nothing can be done and that's still going to be the case when it's over. If you take over raising y'all child, figured the cost sharing, visiting, overnights but, later want to toss random life issues back to him for help, be prepared to have these requests vetted and microscoped. There are things your husband or boyfriend does and then there's parent responsibility, the latter should be expected and the other two depend on what he's willing to do. Imagine your man doing a bunch of optional assisting with the woman he used to go skin2skin with, might raise an eyebrow unless you're very naive and slow. Handle the obligation and responsibilities but, draw the line, find the line and keep it in the right position.