Mother of an incarcerated son: Back in GP

My son is finally out of confinement and back in GP (general population), where he'd been since February after being shipped from Mayo Correctional Institution to Madison Correctional Institution. The travel time to the new location is about the same, thank GOD for that. I can't wait to see him.

I have been SO "in my feelings" here lately. I'm having MOMMY MOMENTS all the time that are out of this world! I am missing my son like crazy! Thank GOD I can talk to my daughter at any time or I'd really be messed up. I think these MOMMY MOMENTS are so frequent now because my son is now out of confinement and I haven't seen him since Christmas ... MAMA'S READY TO SEE HER SON!

As I was traveling to work one day the Lord showed me JUST how great and powerful HE is!! I was truly in a daze all that morning, listening to my Tye Tribbet radio on Pandora and just as I felt like breaking down and crying what song comes on? "More Than I Can Bear by Kirk Franklin and God's Property" which was immediately followed by "Look Up - Tye Tribbet and GA". I knew RIGHT then that day was going to be a GREAT day and every day following that!

I've since received 2 letters from my son, they made me sad to a degree but I know GOD does things for the reasons I am seeing through his letters. He has truly found who his "friends" are...those he felt like he "took care of" when he was out on the streets (whatever THAT means) are the ones he says fell off first. He's half way done with his bid and he knows, understands that tough part is what's REALLY coming up.

One thing he won't have to worry about is Chanel V Tillman leaving his side! Any mother/parent who leaves their child in the time of need is not a real parent and that's just my thoughts. I will not be an enabler but I will be his guidance alongside my Father, his Father, OUR FATHER! As my struggle and Dante's journey continues I ask for continued prayers...Lord knows they are desired and required.

Thank you for reading, commenting and simply listening to my innermost thoughts once again. It's almost over and all that I am going through now will cease to exist...the new me that my FATHER is molding now will shine like the North star the day Jesus was born! WATCH!!! Love you Dante'!

THE REINVENTION OF MS CHANEL IN 2012: Body by VI 90 Day Challenge: 2nd Challenge LETS GO

I am so excited to begin my 2nd 90 Day Challenge with Body By ViSalus! At almost 30 lbs down I now want to get things "tighter". The next challenge will fix that FAT ROLL! ~~~>

I am currently in Physical Therapy and seeing an Orthopedic specialist for some issues with my knee caused by a "tight muscle" along the right side of my leg which has caused the knee cap to 'shift right' and cause pain. Once those appointments are done I AM GOING IN!! Don't think I've stopped working out and doing what I can...that is NOT an option. I have to smooth all that 'extra' flesh out that you see in the above picture! Here is the picture from the first 90 Day Challenge completion ~~~>

<~~~~ Y'all ain't ready...HELL I AIN'T READY!!! LOL LETS GO! If you would like to have the same or BETTER results, JOIN ME WHY DONTCHA??? Who's with me? Check out the link and sign up ~~~>!!

THE REINVENTION OF MS CHANEL IN 2012: Body by VI 90 Day Challenge: COMPLETE 04/12/12

These last 90 days have been nothing short of tiresome! There were certainly days that I wanted to give up and not look back but that has NEVER been me! When something in me says "YOU CAN'T" the better part of me says "LIKE HELL I CAN'T!!" *smiles*

I didn't weigh myself when I first started my challenge as I did not own a scale so I used the last known weight of which I truly believe was WRONG! I weighed more than I said BUT we'll never really know, now will we?

So on January 12th I began my Body By ViSalus 90 DAY CHALLENGE with the initial weight of 198lbs. The following are stat recordings beginning in my 2ND and 3RD months (from my previous blog):

Date: 02/14/2012 Thighs: 27 1/4" Hips: 46 1/2" Waist: 36 3/4" Chest: 38"

Date: 02/28/2012 Thighs: 26" Hips: 45 1/2" Waist: 35" Chest: 37 1/2"

Date: 03/12/2012 Weight: 180.5 lbs Thighs: 25" Hips: 44" Waist: 34 1/4" Chest: 37 1/2"

Today, April 12th these are my FIRST challenge results:

Date: 04/12/2012 Weight: 176 lbs Thighs: 25" Hips: 43 3/4" Waist: 33 1/4" Chest: 35"

If you look at the February measurements and compare to the April measurements there is a NICE difference! I am not really concerned with the weight/pounds but more concerned with the melting away of the inches or body fat! I am TRULY proud that I set a goal in my REINVENTION OF MS CHANEL and stuck with it. I came, I saw, I conquered and it feels DAMN GOOD!

This is the grand finale ~~~~>

Am I 2 piece bathing suit ready? No, not yet but dammit after my SECOND CHALLENGE I will be! I will begin toning and putting "things" in their proper place so that when my 42nd birthday hits in June I WILL BE 2 piece bathing suit ready!! *in Michael Jackson's voice* WHO'S BAD???

If you are NOW convinced that Body By Vi is REAL and would like to know more please visit my Body By Vi link ~~~> <~~~ and familiarize yourself with the product by watching the video and/or calling the Vi Info line at 507-726-4054. This may help with some of the questions you have but of course if you want to talk about it do NOT hesitate to contact me DIRECTLY!!


Mother of an incarcerated son - Where's my sons mail?

I received a letter from my son and the tone has had me in tears since reading it Monday. He was really in his feelings at the fact that he had not heard from me in 2 weeks. I have received letter after letter from him AND I have responded but for whatever reason he has not receieved my letters.

He knows I catch the bus, he knows its me, myself and I and this is what has him worried the most. He asked did I lie about my circumstances...what am I hiding from him? Is my health ok? Is anyone trying to hurt me, bothering me, after me?

My son is in confinement and has been since February. The thought of him sitting in the 4x4 cell with only a cot, toilet & his sanity wondering if his mother (the ONLY constant contact he has)  is ok has really put a damper on my usually high spirit.

I called Madison CI this morning and spoke to Ms Tompkins, his Classification Officer, and advised her of the situation. Yes I was crying, couldn't help it, and I am praying she really gives him the message.

His birthday is April 9th, he will be 23 and to think he's spent most of his young adult life (since age 17) incarcerated hurts like hell. I am praying he gets the birthday card I bought.

Thanks for listening...I just needed to vent. Its been a minute since I've blogged.


My Ancestral Visit

Today started out incredibly rough. I knew upon awakening that I wanted this day to be over expeditiously. My chest was heavy and my head be...