The name STORM describes my chaotic and unpredictable nature. My GEMINI mind is ALWAYS running. Here you will find the twists, turns & adversities of my life including weight loss/fitness, natural hair care, my son's incarceration, firearm instruction and simply moving along my Journey to 50. May 2019 I obtained my B.S. in Converged Communications and now I am learning to love again. This will be interesting and to it all I say BRING IT!
My Epiphany!
- "a sudden, powerful and often spiritual or life-changing realization one experiences in an otherwise ordinary moment"
While riding the bus today (Thursday being my usual day off) it really hit me hard how much I missed my mini me. This was our "outing" day, ya know, pay bills, Wally world visits, lunch, just all around hang out type of day. *sigh* No more of those days to come as my baby girl (much as it pains me) is no longer my baby girl but my beautiful young adult of whom I am EVER so proud! Her move back home (despite how much she loves and will miss her older brother and nieces) was to make her next move to further her future/life and become the adult she is supposed to be.
This bus ride in solitude on a crowded bus made me realize how ALONE I was. I realized how I'd put my life on pause for my children. I mean, I chose not to date anyone in order to focus on my children, to include grand-children, they didn't ask me to. At times I think they prayed and WISHED I had someone, it would keep me out of their business! *LOL* I didn't want to feel like I was putting anyone before my LEGACY nor did I want my mate to feel like I wasn't giving him the love and attention he deserved. Astrology says GEMINI's are great at multi-tasking but on THIS here subject I missed the multi-tasking ship! LOL
BUT was that a bad thing? I mean, did I hurt myself in the long run by doing so because it seems even now I just can NOT get it together when it comes to this dating thing. At 41 you're supposed to be settled, right? You're supposed to be in the career you were meant to be in, right? You're supposed to have that "LOVE" thing on lock, right? WRONG!!! Pipe dreams and the life of that perfect marriage and white picket fence seem to be null and void these days.
I look at the break-ups before marriage (smart) and the ever increasing divorce rates and wonder do people even value relationships like they used to. *SMH* Maybe that's why I am ALONE, that man who has those old school values has not come along. A lot of that is my fault though...why? Because I have been a PROUD team leader for
for some time now and though I love a cub most don't have old school values because most are not raised with someone that has old school values. If I want to continue to "play" I can remain RIGHT WHERE I AM, in COUGAR-land but if I am to move on and be able to live happily ever after with those old school values (not too old school though) I will have to move on. My great days of fun in the sun with the cub of the week ends today! No more asking
and hearing the purrs roll off the tongue. *(I am cracking myself up here)* In all seriousness, this is just another part of my MISSION IMPOSSIBLE with the REINVENTION of ME!! As painful as it is, it must be done so to all my cubs who read this...it was FUN and the memories shall last FOREVER!
My flow of L.I.F.E.
*giggles* Yep, that's me...my senior year. I was all of 17 and a size 18 or 20 but it never slowed my flow. What flow? My flow of L.I.F.E. = Lovely Inside For Eternity! I was never one, and still remain that way, to concern myself with others thoughts of me because it was ALWAYS what I thought that mattered and besides, if I don't think highly of myself why should anyone else, feel me? There was NOTHING that I couldn't get if I truly wanted it but somehow I still felt...empty. It was like there was something inside pushing to get out.
I can't even put a finger on it because life begin to fly by so fast as I became a mother immediately after high school and while obtaining my A.S. Degree had another child. So from 1988 to 1991, I gave birth to a handsome son and beautiful daugther AND earned my A.S. Degree. *GO ME* Then just 8 months after graduation I became a WIFE! *HORROR FACE - LOL*
OK...so NOW the empty should go away, right? RIGHT...WRONG! *SMH* It seemed to have gotten worse once I had others to focus on aside from myself. It wasn't about me anymore and I wasn't sure how to feel! I know I wasn't feeling as beautiful as I had in the past as I began to focus less on me and my needs and focus on the needs of those around me. Sadly to say THAT didn't last long either. Being a wife happened at the WRONG time with the WRONG person though he was/is the best father I could have EVER asked for my children. (Much love to Antwan Tillman)
*fast forward* FINAL separation = February 1997; Florida relocation = January 2002; Legally Divorced = April 2011; Empty Next = September 2011
Man oh man...my flow of L.I.F.E. just keeps on flowing but this new direction is what had been inside of me trying it's best to get out AND it has been the toughest for me. The transitions to #TEAMNATURAL (have lost quite a few folk along the way) and my re-entry into the dating world have been quite interesting, not to mention I haven't even tapped into my school re-enrollment! Being natural has become a piece of cake and very enjoyable BUT the re-entry into dating...it's been one bumpy ride but I can handle it!
I'll just continue to keep on with my flow of L.I.F.E. until a is added to the end of L.I.F.E. Think about that, you'll figure it out! ;-)
Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.
He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons such as knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm, life isn't always fair, and maybe it was my fault.
Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies, like don't spend more than you can earn and that adults, not children, are in charge.
His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. The reports of a 6-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.
Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children. It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer sun lotion or an aspirin to a student; but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.
Common Sense lost the will to live as the churches became businesses and criminals received better treatment than their victims. Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault. Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.
Common Sense was preceded in death, by his parents, Truth and Trust, by his wife Discretion, his daughter Responsibility, and his son, Reason. He is survived by his 4 stepbrothers; I Know My Rights,I Want It Now,Someone Else Is To Blame,I'm A Victim. Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone.
If you still remember him, pass this on.
OK...my daughter warned me when I cut ALL my hair off some of the things I'd have to endure by way of comments *WOO SAH* but I was not prepared for what I have had to deal with from the males I know. *SMDH* I mean, I am 41 and a lot of the men are my age but being a COUGAR allows me to also have quite a few younger male friends as well and I must say I never knew men could be so DAMN ONE WAY MINDED!! #UGH
Let me clear the air right now and answer questions I have been asked by MULTIPLE male friends (rather an ex, a wanna be or friend):
Q: What is wrong with you?
A: Why does ANYTHING have to be "wrong" with me? #UGH
Q: Why did you cut off all your hair?
A: Cause I wanted to and cause I could!!
Q: Are you gay now?
A: About as gay as you are!!
Q: Can I rub your head?
A: Why? Don't you have 2 of your own to rub?
Q: What is a man supposed to pull on when y'all are intimate now?
A: The same thing he was pulling on before we were intimate...that OTHER woman! NEXT!!
Q: Is this a mid-life crisis, are you going through something?
A: YEP...my MEN-strual cycle
If you look at the beginning of this blog I gave the definition to MENstruate. You are probably wondering WHY I am talking about my MEN-strual cycle, right? Well to menstruate is to "shed or rid the body of..." and I now realize and my daughter told me this too, that I am going to have to surround myself with a new group of people due to my natural hair decision. I didn't think that would be the case for me as I just KNEW I had more mature, adult men folk around me but I was wrong...TOTALLY wrong!
So I am now MENstruating...shedding/ridding myself of all the negative males that have nothing positive to say. Shedding/ridding myself of all the negative men who can't embrace the fact that being feminine has NOTHING to do with the length or grade of my hair. Shedding/ridding myself of all the negative men who feel like a woman has to be going through something because she wants her INNER beauty to shine, making physicality secondary.
I knew cutting my hair would bring about a LOT of changes but the men in my life...didn't see that one coming so if reading this makes you ball your toes up in your shoes or you get offended you MUST be one of the folk I am referencing. There is no need to text me or inbox me with more questions, apologies or what have you's, it's all good. I ain't mad atcha *in Tupac's voice* I just know where your head really resides!
Inner/Natural beauty is one that'll be there forever! Go back to your high school days, look at the HOTTEST chicks in high school and look at her NOW!! 9 times out of 10 she does NOT look that good anymore! Outer beauty fades most times and when it does will you still want to be there? Will that not so cute person keep your attention anymore? Will you/do you find yourself looking at hotter women, feeling the urge to cheat because you were attracted only to her physical presence and nothing else was there to keep you satisfied?
How about that sista with intellect; the one who can hold a conversation that intrigues you til the morning light? That sista peaked your interest due to her inner beauty. Brothers find a sista that has that and what her hair looks like will be of no interest to you because you'll love her just the way she is...INTERNALLY BEAUTIFUL!
I know no woman will ever say this but in my case I LOVE MY MEN-strual CYCLE! On to the new, better, understanding group of males! I know you're out there somewhere! Only GOD'S approval desired and required! #TEAMNATURAL
She cried though......and THAT'S when it hit me!! As I was driving away from J.I.A. and approaching 9A...it hit me hard that I was here alone now. It hit me that the last of my children had spread her wings to fly away, to become the successful young adult I know she will be! Lord knows I cried all the way home, thinking of the long distance between both of my children and I. It's funny to think that when we have children we think about that day they leave home and get out of our hairs but when the time comes...its one of the HARDEST things to deal with. It's the same transition most of us took when it was time for us to leave our parents home, the same one that we know our children will take but nothing softens the blow of the actual EMPTY NEST (EMPTINESS).
I know this is my time to "DO ME" and get myself together and I am going to do JUST THAT (MISSION IMPOSSIBLE WELL UNDER WAY)!! The umbilical cord has been severed my dearest Deondrea now fly...be ALL that you can be my dear! This life is yours for the taking so TAKE IT BY STORM!! Know that mom loves you and no distance will change what we have! I LOVE YOU!
Received the "OKAY" #TEAMNATURAL
My daughter is just laughing her head off thinking of ALL the responses and reactions my son could come up with, after all she knows her brother! *SMH*
FINALLY...he comes out! *EYES WIDE OPEN* Laughter fills the air (my daughter of course)...he kisses and hugs her, kisses Daysha and Mi'Jael THEN stops at me...rubs my head...shakes his head and kissed my forehead!! YES...FLAWLESS VICTORY!! Nothing said indicates an A OKAY in my book...I reckon the 8 or 9 year old boy that said he wanted a "mama and daddy not 2 daddy's" is all grown up now! *dies laughing*
Isn't he handsome?!?! Yes...I tend to think so! *smile* We had SUCH a great visit, though incredibly emotional, but great nonetheless! GOD his him and GOD has US! This too shall pass and his present home won't be his home too much longer or ever again...I claim that in the ALMIGHTY name of the FATHER!
I really did it but now what?!?!? *MISSION IMPOSSIBLE*
I truly can't describe how I am feeling this morning. I was awaken out of my sleep by strong, random thoughts of "what am I supposed to be doing today"? I sat straight up in my bed, looked around the room, squinted to see the time on the clock and thought what AM I supposed to be doing today?!? :-/
It's as if the trauma of my #TEAMNATURAL move had totally moved in and taken over! All that once was there seem to have gone, by way of thought processing I mean. It took me all of 10-15 minutes, a trip to the bathroom, a light oil of the hair and brushing *record scratching noise* MY HAIR...IT'S ALL GONE!!!
WHOA...would you take a look at me?!?! WOW...natural beauty...this is going to be my true test of strength, endurance, courage and a show of rather or not I really do NOT wear my feelings on my sleeve!
My daughter told me that I will gets LOTS of comments like "who are you supposed to be? India Arie? Jill Scott?" Or better yet Amber Rose since I am blonde with it. And then the ALL TIME favorite "what, you're gay now?" Simple type ishness like that and more but if she can endure it and get through it then gosh darn it so can I!!!
I can't help but wonder how this will effect my re-entry into the dating game though and here's why: when my son was about 8 or 9 I used to keep my hair cut "barbershop low" (so this isn't my 1st natural) and apparently it bothered him. I never knew that but he made it PERFECTLY clear when he said as clearly and loudly as he could in the middle of a packed barbershop on a Saturday morning "Ma...I want a mommy and a daddy, not 2 daddy's"! *record scratches again* I didn't know what to say as EVERY man, woman and child turned to look at us...speechless I tell ya! My son is now 22 years of age and serving 66 months in a Florida state prison *pray for him please* and I wonder will that 8 or 9 year old boy show up at his visitation tomorrow...you will surely find out!
That little episode has surely stayed with me all these years and my thought process is as a child if he has that type of mind set (mommy's have hair, daddy's don't) how many men my age were that way coming up and are still trapped in the 'European mans definition of a woman' frame of mind? Are there any real, strong brothers out there truly ready to embrace a woman for her inner strengths and natural beauty without letting her hair or the lack there of define who she is and is to be?
This MISSION IMPOSSIBLE is turning into a POSSIBLE MISSION daily and with the first step complete I am well on my way. I don't intend on questioning the situations that come along with decisions I make during my journey, I simply intend on embracing them, facing them and going to my FATHER in prayer about them.
One of my favorite scriptures (book of Romans I believe) says "A MAN THAT FINDETH A GOOD WIFE FINDETH A GOOD THING" so with that said I will sit back and enjoy the 'REDEFINITION OF ME'!!!
Why must something be wrong because you make a personal change? I am glad I don't wear my feelings on my sleeve because if I did my feelings might be truly hurt but in the words of Jay-Z - "all of y'all can suck my b*lls through my draws"!! LMBO
Naw but on a serious note, folk there is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with me. I am just about to truly find myself since I am about to have an EMPTY NEST as of 6 a.m. Monday morning!! I am going to return to school and now open myself up to dating again after almost 3 whole years!
I am SO ready to embark on this "new" life I am going to have but there is ONE thing I have failed to mention and I don't want ANYONE to think I can do any of this without HIM...my HEAVENLY FATHER, the ALMIGHTY GOD that looks down low and keeps me safe, sane and in HIS arms!
Time to find a church home...
It was a VERY emotional process. I told Daphne to turn me away from the mirror and cut until it was cute and she did JUST THAT! This is truly a different look for me especially since I've been rocking the long, medium and short blonde weaves and wigs for the past 3 months.
Well...enough talking...here I am...the newest member of #TEAMNATURAL!!
My daughter keeps telling me how AWESOME I look...I so love her! Thanks to my #1 fan!
I've been told "you have a little azz head, you don't need to go natural" and "why are you letting the devil use you like he's using all these other women by telling y'all to cut your hair off"...the list of things I've been told goes ON AND ON and NONE OF IT actually meant a hill of beans to me UNTIL now. The day before my appointment to actually be inducted into the #TEAMNATURAL HALL OF FAME.
7:30 p.m. tomorrow, September 16th, I'll be in Daphne's chair getting my hair chopped off down to the 3 month old new growth. Will I really go through with it? My baby girl, mini me, will be documenting it all if I do. I say "IF" but she has made it QUITE CLEAR that "IF" is not an option.
There will be pictures and video footage according to my daughter and then we have our ALL NATURAL photo shoot on Saturday at noon (provided I am natural...that will be the theme! LOL) with Kylan Alvin of Real or Nothing. *I am excited*
That's it for now...random rambling thoughts the closer #TEAMNATURAL gets!
There is a young African American mom with 2 little boys, 1 infant and 1 toddler. The toddler was running around playing, doing what little children do since there were no seats open for him to sit and his mothers lap was already taken.
A bus comes and as folk get up to board quite a few seats become available to include 1 on each side of me and 1 beside the young mother. Her toddler son moves to sit next to his mother when a large Caucasian woman with a small infant child in a stroller bum rushes the seat and almost knocks the toddler over. He, being unaware of the hatred in this woman's face, pays her no mind and still attempts to get in front of the stroller and sit next to his mother. The large woman gives the young mother the "STANKEST" (for lack of better words) look and stands there like move your freakin kid lady!! KEEP IN MIND there are 2 empty seats by me, 1 on each side of me and instead of you coming to the plenty empty you mean mug this young mother and makes her move her child!! *WOO SAH*
SOOOOOOO the toddler comes and sits in the chair beside me as directed by his mother. The large woman continues to mug and talk under her breath about said situation. Her "baby daddy" then comes over to talk and is smoking a cigarette (KEEP IN MIND there are designated smoking areas downtown) and one of the JTA supervisors directs him to the smoking area. As he walks away and the young mother and I both thank the supervisor the large woman decided to CHALLENGE the supervisor!!
She asks him why must her baby daddy move to smoke when just the other day she asked to have someone smoking around her removed and the supervisor told her the individual could smoke where they wanted...?!?!? The supervisor than proceeds to ask her "ma'am, was it me?!" and she says NO in an angry voice. The supervisor responds I can't control what other supervisors do but I will go by the rules besides there are children over here and other people that do not smoke who may not want that around them. The young mother immediately says right because my son has asthma and I said I don't have asthma but I don't want smoke around me...PEER-REE-YOD!!! Oh this HEATED the large woman immensely at which time she pointed her finger at the young mother and I and yelled THIS IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS SO KEEP YOUR MOUTHS SHUT!!
*in my BEST Jada Pinkett-Smith voice from KINGDOM COME* LORD TAKE ME NAH!!!
All Christianity went out the window and I told her "YOU BOUT TO GET AN DOWN HERE"!!! The young mother was like she ain't even worth it ma'am, you saw what she did to my son at which point I told her YOU ARE SO MUCH BETTER THAN ME ON THAT ONE! Let that had been Daysha or Mi'Jael
...it would have been ON AND POPPIN DOWN HERE! One of us would have been going away in the cop car...!!!
*WOO SAH* The young mother than said we will all be getting on our buses and going our seperate ways. She was SO right and I couldn't even argue. Those words calmed me right down. She was SO patient with that entire situation to be so young. I learned something from her today but DANG was that RACISM or was the large lady JUST RETARDED!!?!??!
You wanna know what GRINDS MY GEARS...JURY DUTY!!
You don't even get paid for this UNLESS you are unemployed OR your job doesn't pay you! Like REALLY??!?!? BUT WAIT...guess how much the pay is?!?! *wait for it, wait for it* $15 for the 1st 3 days and $30 after the 3rd day if you're chosen! WHAT BILL(S) WILL GET PAID WITH THAT!?!?!
OHEMGEE...who thought to make jury duty a dang on civil duty but not make it a civil duty to compensate you PROPERLY?!?! You take me out of work but won't pay me what I would make to be at work AND tell me it is my civil duty...REALLY?!?! GTFOH!! *WOO SAH*
I will just pray for a "FREE PASS" on the strength of my son being incarcerated because this is for the birds right here!!
OK...now you know ONE of the things that GRINDS MY GEARS!!!
I am 5 days away from a true EMPTY NEST!! *sigh* The days seem to grow shorter and shorter as time approaches for my mini me to return back to VA and begin her journey towards the USAF enlistment! *PROUD MOM HERE*
I have found myself randomly thinking...A LOT...this week, some of the oddest of thoughts too.
My hair appointment to become part of #TEAMNATURAL is Friday at 7:30pm. I shiver at the thought. I keep hearing "its only hair" and "girl it'll grow back before you know it". I know both of those things but dang...I have quite a bit of hair now, hair that I've been growing for some time. I guess I am just supposed to let this go, aye? That's how this works...humph...that's how this works.
RANDOM THOUGHT: So I am sitting downtown waiting on the bus and suddenly it hits me AGAIN that I will be by myself in Jacksonville as of September 19th. You ever been surrounded by SO many people (friends, associates, acquaintances, frenemies, strangers) YET still feel alone? I mean UTTERLY alone...that's how I am feeling at this very moment.
*sigh* That's all for now...the way my mind is running there will be more blogging shortly.
BUT also with the departure of my daughter comes the count down to #TEAMNATURAL!! I want to get it done immediately after work Friday but if not it'll be early Saturday morning. I am sitting here looking at how much my hair has grown
(damn I look like I am straight out of a 2 year bid in the penitentiary - *thanks Kat* LOL)and it is making it really tough for me to keep my natural decision. *sigh* Why can't things be simple or are they? Do we make things SO much harder than they should be? I do believe so...
Just know this is 3 months worth of new growth at the root that I know if relaxed would make a BEAUTIFUL wrap but I am sticking to my guns and taking #TEAMNATURAL by storm. I've been keeping my hair out of sight, out of mind
but taking it out today for the game just reminded me what I have underneath and *sigh* it's been a battle today, I tell ya!!
Well that's all I have for today. Tomorrow I am sure will spawn more blogging...
TRANSITION: a movement, development or evolution from one form to another
*sigh* I wake up and look at these corn rows in my 3 month unrelaxed hair....then I look over at the sandy blonde curly wig I have been sporting. *sigh again* I love that little wig and the long "BEYONCE" one I have at the apartment too but my own hair needs to breathe.
I want to cut my hair all off and be naturally beautiful but then I look at previous pictures of my own hair with that splash of blonde and think I AIN'T DOIN THIS!!! *sigh*
What am I going through? What makes one wait for their 40's to want to make life altering changes? *sigh*
It all takes me to this song though, THIS particular version...I watch India change up hair/dress styles but I see her true joy and freedom in her natural state. She says "...time to become the woman I am inside..." but dang does it take me to reach my 40's to find her...the woman inside or am I simply going through something that I can't put my finger on and now I am "acting out"? Me and my random thoughts...
On this MISSION IMPOSSIBLE journey I have found myself feeling SOME KINDA WAY here lately. I am so apprehensve about the things I have set before me but not fully understanding why.
Could it be:
1) It's been 5 years since beginning my BS in Communications yet I've decided to finally return
2) My hair is longer now than it's been in years yet I've decided to cut it ALL off and go natural
3) I've been single for almost 3 years yet I've decided to re-enter the dating game
Are these the things about my MISSION IMPOSSIBLE that have me feeling SOME KINDA WAY or is it procrastination? Has it all been brought on due to the "empty nest" that I am about to have? Why am I holding myself back? What is it I fear? What do I need to do to change this thought process I seem to be fixed in? I am so vexxed at the way I am feeling.
Seeking my FATHER in all this, I need HIS guidance!!
Donnie - Beautiful me (The Colored Section CD)
Head, shoulders, knees and toes
Lips, my eyes, my mouth, my nose
They all go against what
Society calls beautiful
I'm left handed in my right mind
I'm pleasantly plump a phat dime
Black as night and a bright night
As you can see I am beautiful me
I was born in the winter, the day after the tenth
And it's hard to deliver, Scorpio energy's so intense
Make me wanna hollar, now I know what Marvin meant
The industry's so cold, give me the things
To my ancestors you owe, so
Head, shoulders knees and toes
Lips, my eyes, my mouth, my nose
They all go against what
Society calls beautiful
I'm left handed in my right mind
I'm pleasantly plump a phat dime
Black as night and a bright night
As you can see I am beautiful me
Said, American music was built upon my back
R and B, soul, your rock and roll
Your blues, your ragtime and your jazz
Yes, I herald the gospel, funk, hip-hop, techno
And I'll sing forever in the name of the American Negro
I'm not a Niger I'm a Negro
When I become a Niger I'll let you know
Head, shoulders knees and toes
Lips, my eyes, my mouth, my nose
They all go against what
Society calls beautiful
Head, shoulders knees and toes
Lips, my eyes, my mouth, my nose
They all go against what
Society calls beautiful
Head, shoulders knees and toes
Lips, my eyes, my mouth, my nose
They all go against what
Society calls beautiful
I'm left handed in my right mind
I'm pleasantly plump a phat dime
Black as night and a bright night
As you can see I am beautiful me
I'm not a Niger I'm a Negro
When I become a Niger I'll let you know
I'm not a Niger I'm a Negro
When I become a Niger I'll let you know
(Repeat until it fades)
Long story short: Jacksonville, FL relocation 2002, former on air personality but presently a retail sales store manager full time and would LOVE to go back to radio and be an emcee/hostess ALL the time (GOD ITS COMING). I am a mother of 2 (22 yr old son & 20 yr old daughter) and grandmother of 2 beautiful grand-daughters (thanks to my son)! My son is incarcerated for 66 months, sentenced in 2009 and my daughter, who has been #TEAMNATURAL for the past 15 months, just recently decided to enlist in the USAF which means I will have an EMPTY NEST. As parents we ALL dream of this day but Lord knows when it happens it's one of the most depressing and sad moments of your life. You are happy for your children as they move on but *in frantic voice* WHAT AM I TO DO NOW??!? *sigh* You would think I would be spending time with my other half but he is non-existent for almost 3 years now! *double sigh*
SO as a result of the "long story short" 3 things have been set in to motion:
1) 2 weeks from the date of this blog I will go #TEAMNATURAL and I am BEYOND ready! My daughter has truly been an inspiration to me during her #TEAMNATURAL journey over the past 15 months. I have been preparing for the past 3 months and I feel it's time to be the new me! I LOVE YOU DEE DEE!!
2) Re-enroll in school and complete my BS before my son's release in 2015. I was so unable to concentrate thinking about what he was going through behind those walls but I had to realize and he pointed it out to me that he put himself there and I need to stop beating myself up and holding myself back because of his mistakes. I LOVE YOU TE'!
3) Open up to dating! I have been so surly to my suitors for the past 2.5 years and have probably run away some very good men as a result of this. I felt I didn't have time for any additions to my life with all that I felt was going on in my life.
I had nothing but EXCUSES to prevent me from being happy. I've been so bottled up and consumed with my son's incarceration, making sure my daughter and grand-daughters were ok in life even though I was not OK. There are things that I still will not do as a result of making sure my LEGACY is ok but the 3 point "MISSION IMPOSSIBLE" list WILL be completed AND in a timely fashion!
Follow me through my journey and feel free to comment and share your thoughts. I am open to them so until the next time be NATURALLY HAPPY!
My Ancestral Visit
Today started out incredibly rough. I knew upon awakening that I wanted this day to be over expeditiously. My chest was heavy and my head be...

June 1 2014 was the day my son walked out of Baker County Correctional Institution as a free man. He had been gone since November 2009, I re...
These last 90 days have been nothing short of tiresome! There were certainly days that I wanted to give up and not look back but that has NE...
I received a letter from my son (11/30/2011) and as I read this letter repeatedly attempting to wrap my mind around all the things he has sa...