The name STORM describes my chaotic and unpredictable nature. My GEMINI mind is ALWAYS running. Here you will find the twists, turns & adversities of my life including weight loss/fitness, natural hair care, my son's incarceration, firearm instruction and simply moving along my Journey to 50. May 2019 I obtained my B.S. in Converged Communications and now I am learning to love again. This will be interesting and to it all I say BRING IT!
*BONUS* 30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution
*BONUS* 30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 31 (Aug 25) - (I know it was supposed to be 30 but I had to add 1 more day) I was happy ALL DANG ON DAY!! Woke up in an awesome mood!! Morning praise and worship on the way to work kicked the day off just right! Work was AWESOME, dinner/girl talk with fellow Vi Diva Kayla and foolish but needed conversation with fellow Vi Director and Diva Keana!! OH ... can NOT forget to mention Kayla offered to take me to see my son on Sunday (GOD IS SOME KINDA AWESOME)!!! *MOOD: HAPPIER THAN HAPPY!*
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 30
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 30 (Aug 24) - Happiness came in the form of a random call. After a long 9 hour work day I was informed, via voice mail, that my son had been transferred to another facility (was praying he would stay at Madison). The woman that called didn't leave her name, just said Dante's been transferred & hung up. She didn't have to call at all so her simple act of kindness to keep me informed of my son's situation made me happy. I don't know why he was moved nor could the prison tell me but after speaking to the officer I went to my Father in prayer and received more happiness in knowing whatever the situation MY GOD HAS IT UNDER CONTROL!!
I did find out later he is in RMC West Unit in Lake Butler awaiting transition AND can have visits so this was not a transfer due to trouble! Thank You Father for keeping my son & my family in Your loving arms!!
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 29
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 29 (Aug 23) - Happiness was waking up to the extended family my Father has placed in my life - Miss Daysha, her mother Ashley, her other nana Danielle & her cousin Mook. Blood doesn't define family but what you do for & with one another does! Love y'all!!
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 28
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 28 (Aug 22) - Happiness came by way of spending time with my extended Jacksonville family; nana's heart Miss Daysha, her mother Ashley, Nana Danielle and cousin Mook. Thank GOD for family, blood and non-blood. *smiling as I lay and watch Miss Daysha sleep*
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 27 (Aug 21) - HAPPINESS, after a late night of inventory prepping and an early morning of inventory, was simply getting off work, tending to the 3 S's and getting in MY BED!! I slept from 7 or 8 until 2 a.m. and then again from 3 something until 9 a.m. MY BODY AND MIND ARE HAPPY TOO! LOL Happiness came in the form of pure and simple REST, I sure needed it!! NOW to get on this cardio and strength training today! LETS GO ... VI LIFE!
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 26
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 26 (Aug 20) - Happiness came by way of spending the night with my grandbaby, Miss Daysha! After a long day of work & inventory prepping until almost 11 p.m., it was really great to leave work and get in a car full of love to spend time & spend the night. Daysha was laying on my lap playing with my ear as I typed ... LOVE IT! Time with my legacy is HAPPINESS!!
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 25
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 25 (Aug 19) - Happiness was brought about through my PRAISE AND WORSHIP this morning on the way to work. When I start my days off w/o it there is a SIGNIFICANT difference in my attitude ... Tye Tribbet radio on Pandora is NOTHING but the truth for me! I've been happy since my feet hit the floor, I thanked my Father and PANDORA came on! I thank you FATHER for your goodness and mercy! *sings*I WILL BLESS THE LOOOOOOOORD, ALL MY SOUUUUUUUUL and ALLLLLL THAT IS WITH IN ME, BLESS HIS HO-OO-OO-LYYYYY NAAAAMMMEEEE!!! (I love to hear Tye and his group sing this)
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 24
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 24 (Aug 18) - Happiness came in the form of a VERY successful day at work ... between the plus size modeling group Dangerous Curves turning it out in the fashion show which directly resulted in some of the BEST sales ... WHEW ... what a happy day it was.
Thank you so much ladies! You are the absolute greatest! Toni, my District Manager, can't wait to see the pictures! Much love to you all! See you next month to do it all over again.
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 23
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 23 (Aug 17) - Happiness came in the form of a great day at work! I love the atmosphere of my store and my managers (Edrice Green and Jai Ashley) always keeping me laughing NOT to mention associates Bianca and Tyyesha, we all have a good time together.
There's nothing like working in an environment that is not stressful and TODAY was one of those days! Thanks ladies!
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 22
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 22 (Aug 16) - HAPPINESS today .... *in Genu-fine voice* IN THOSE JEANS!! Sister girl is now a SIZE 8 ... BOOM, POW!! Oh what a day it turned out to be when I took 7 pairs of pants (6 denim, 1 slack) in to that fitting room, all different cuts and styles, and could FIT THEM ALL!!! *Ren and Stimply* HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY!
Those that have known me all my life know I've had that "yo yo" weight (up down, up down) but for the most part I was plus size ... WELP ... not anymore! Thanks to ViSalus and their wonderful program/products I am leaner, meaner and looking younger! I think they've found the FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH and I dipped myself in it! HEHEHE
Would you like to know more about the program? Well go to ~~~> ChanelVTillman.myvi.net <~~~ to find out exactly what I've done to acquire the health I have! Join us why don'tcha?? You won't regret how awesome you look and feel!
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 21
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 21 (Aug 15) - Happiness REEKED thru me today because 1) I am off tomorrow and 2) LEVERAGE comes on (as a matter of fact its on NOW)!! It's the little things that mean the most to me! I am looking forward to my mani/pedi/hair cut and shopping! *squeals in joy* I CAN'T WAIT!!! NOW ... back to Hacker! *HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY*
30 Days of Happiness Campaign contribution Day 20 (Aug 14) - Happiness came by way of my conversation with an older lady in my store (Ashley Stewart Rivercity, Jacksonville, FL) in regards to health and wellness. She'd done a lot of "fad" dieting so of course I got around to talking about the challenge. She listened very attentively, asked a few questions but in the end said she wasn't interested. She said she's had several people approach her about the challenge who were very pushy and adamant about her "buying" the product but what she liked about me was that I was not pushy, not trying to SELL her anything but simply sharing with her what it did for me and possibly could do for her. Before leaving my store she did thank me for the time, conversation and health tips. I appreciated her for thanking me for my time ... I was merely doing what I was am supposed to ... SHARE MY TESTIMONY! I love my VI LIFE!
30 Days of Happiness Campaign contribution Day 19
30 Days of Happiness Campaign contribution Day 19 (Aug 13) - Today I was happy JUST BECAUSE! I am still on my HIGH from my visit with my son yesterday and all the joy in the world from that visit filtered right on over to today. There is not a complaint in this world that I have and I am so thankful to my Father for that. I have happiness and joy in knowing the BEST is yet to come!
Mother of an incarcerated son: MADISION C.I. 1st visit
Today was a day like no other that I've had in a LONG time ... since Christmas of last year as a matter of fact! I had not seen my son since that time. He'd gotten in some trouble at Mayo C.I., shipped off to Madison C.I. and immediately put into confinement which meant NO visits!!
I'd been trying since April (when he was finally released from confinement) to see him but it just was not working in my favor. I thank GOD he is not a "pushy" child, he totally understood why mom couldn't come see him and said as long as I am writing him he is fine. I, on the other hand, was not fine and as time passed I was beginning to think I wouldn't see my son again until the holidays BUT GOD heard my prayers ... our prayers and made it so that was not the case.
One of the young ladies my son use to date became my beacon of light ... Chaunyce. She'd been approved for visitation since my son was sentenced (over 3 years ago) but never had an opportunity to go. NOW WAS HER TIME!! She was ready to roll and roll we did! We hit I-10 rollin!! Madison is a straight shot there unlike Mayo and Brevard.
He was unaware that he was going to have a visit so it caught him completely off guard and as soon as he walked into the visitation area I JUMPED UP CRYING! We hugged, rocked and I grabbed kisses for a few seconds (felt like minutes) ... seems like it had been so long since I'd seen my child. He looked good, strong and his emotional and mental status seemed to be the same way (THANK YOU LORD)!!
*tears* THIS WAS THE MOST AWESOME VISIT EVER and I am still so FULL. I feel the need to cry, to scream out PRAISES! There is SO much JOY inside me right now! I can not understand how parents voluntarily leave or abandon their children as this involuntary leave kills me daily! I am SO thankful for how good my son looks, how great his spirits are in-spite of his circumstances. I had to let the staff know how much I enjoyed our visit. The facility and all the staff were beautiful! This has been the best camp he's been in since his incarceration.
People judge my son by his current situation but I thank GOD for it because if it had not been for the LORD on our side I truly believe I'd be visiting a grave instead of a prison! All praises to GOD that trouble doesn't last always. It's not the easiest position in the world, being the MOTHER OF AN INCARCERATED SON, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and with all my GOD sees fit for me to endure I CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS!!
I am totally encouraged because I know EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT! We have 2 years left of this current situation before my Father brings about the winds of change. I will be ready ... even if I am NOT ready I WILL BE!
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 18
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 18 (Aug 12) - I think it's easy to see what my HAPPIEST moment was (NOTHING will top this).
I hadn't seen my son since Christmas 2011 (over 7 months ago) so THIS was indeed an AWESOME day for me! I cried, we laughed, talked, and reminisced. I am so thankful that GOD has HIS protective arms around my son, around my family during this time. He has only 2 more years left (May 2014) and its OVER!
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 17
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 17 (Aug 11) - I spent time with folk who mean a lot to me and I know without a shadow of a doubt that the feeling is mutual. Happiness should come from some of the smallest things as simple as having breakfast, musical instrument shopping, phone accessory shopping, etc and in my case IT DID! Love my FRIENDS!!
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 16
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 16 (Aug 10) - 2 words ... JAGUARS FOOTBALL!!
The season of my favorite sport with my favorite team has begun and I was happy as a lark!! *dies laughing* I couldn't contain myself at work because my mind was totally consumed on the fact that I was going to be in a real, live NFL atmosphere again for 16 games (prayerfully & beyond)! THEN to top it off my brother couldn't make it BUT he let my fab VI diva have his ticket so we could enjoy ourselves! Love ya Dennis!!
HAPPINESS = my loving brother Dennis, fab VI diva time w/ LaTavia AND JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS football!!
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 15
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 15 (Aug 9) - I woke up and immediately checked my Vi net (mobile app for ViSalus) and not only is my PQV (personal volume) over $1000 (which means I get ANY kit I want for free ... I choose the FIT KIT) BUT there are 5 new health and wellness VI family members to Team Nel!! **BIG UPS** to my wonderful Vi fam who've continued on with their challenges!
I love seeing numbers that show proof of people wanting to get & remain healthy! Happiness today came in the form of my happiness EVERYDAY - the VI LIFE!! Changing 1 body at a time and fighting OBESITY!!!
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 14
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 14 (Aug 8) - Today was an extremely long and tiresome day that moved along swiftly and smoothly with no complaints. My happiness today though came when I clocked out of that Ashley Stewart associate system and became even better when I arrived to my apartment, got in my bed and awaited Hackers arrival at 11 pm (LEVERAGE)!! What a great life!
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 13
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 13 (Aug 7th) - Happiness came today in the form of GIVING! Thank you Ty'yesha Hill for helping me clear my closet! 4 bags gone and STILL more closet to empty (SMH)!! I love sharing things I can no longer use, especially with my VI fam who won't be able to use them much longer either!! Sharing is caring and I LOVE TO SHARING/GIVE!
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 12
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 12 (Aug 6th) - today I received a most joyous letter from my son, Dante'. He'd received the pictures from my day out with his 2 beautiful daughters and he was so grateful for the letters containing the pictures of them bonding. He noted how happy I looked which made him even happier thus creating my happy moment of the day! I know he had a big ole smile on his face, I could read it in the letter. GOD BLESS HIM!!. *MOOD: HAPPY MAMA*
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 11
"30 Days of Happiness" campaign contribution Day 11 (Aug 5th): Happiness today came in the form of all the love received from those checking on me today via FB, Twitter and phone! I can't thank Ashlee Smith and Danielle Burns enough for all they do!! <~~~ see DAY 10
I so appreciate the love and concern! To my daughter Dee Dee, her best friend Tennile Simone, my sister Ebony Vann, sandbox friends Wendy Jennings and Roland Carr as well as my boo Billy and dear friend Charles Griggs, thank y'all for the calls and text! You are loved RIGHT back!
GOD puts folk in your life AND removes some for GREAT reason! Let HIM have HIS way!
"30 Days of Happiness" campaign contribution Day 10
"30 Days of Happiness" campaign contribution Day 10 (Aug 4th): For the last 4 days, after finishing the steroids prescribed, I'd been having a dull, throbbing heading located only on the left side in my temple creating pressure behind my left eye. Saturday evening I noticed it had gotten worse and by 10pm I was struck with left side head pain & pressure like I had never experienced before. By midnight I couldn't take it anymore, it was almost as unbearable as child birth and THAT frightened me.
This is the part that truly hurts me in living alone here in Florida as well as being single because in times like this there is no one to call on that resides close by. I called Ashlee, Daysha's mom, who lives on the other side of town ... not close to me at all. Ash got out of her bed (after midnight) with my grand-daughter in tow and sat at the ER with me until 5 a.m. in the morning! I am not her blood family and she did not have to do this but she did.
Happiness came in the form of knowing GOD put the perfect family in my life through my grand-daughter Daysha. Though Ashlee & my son are no longer together she & her mother Danielle continue to treat me like family and will come across town to check on me whenever I am in need. Love you Ash and I thank GOD for you!
30 Days of Happiness campaign contribution Day 9
"30 Days of Happiness" campaign contribution Day 9 (Aug 3rd): I woke up to more inspiration, another big part of the WHY I do what I do! I logged on to my Vi Net and saw there were 3 new customers to the VI LIFE! What exactly does this mean? It means 3 more people decided to change the way the eat, the way they think about their health and the way they take care of themselves. NOT just for them but those that love and count on them as well!!
Way to go!! To all who have joined and to those new to the program ... WELCOME! Happiness today came in the form of knowing 3 more people have been inspired and decided to live better, healthier and fight obesity!!GO HEAD Y'ALL ... US ... WE!!
Tilldn1.myvi.net <~~~ Join the #1 Health and Wellness program today!!
30 Days of Happiness" campaign contribution Day 8
"30 Days of Happiness" campaign contribution Day 8 (Aug 2nd): One of my DEAREST friends, who has been there through thick and through thin, FINALLY made some time for me!
Chillin' at the Avenues Mall shopping, eating and most importantly talking like we used to do!! Happiness today came in the form of spending time with him, time that I've missed more than I knew.
30 Days of Happiness" campaign contribution Day 7
"30 Days of Happiness" campaign contribution Day 7 (August 1): At work today I mentioned to a customer how nice she looked and how I could see she was losing weight. She proceeds to tell me she was at a health fair and saw a picture of a young lady who looked really familiar at one of the vendor booths ... she then says IT WAS YOU (me)!!
It was a Body By Vi vendor of course and this is the 3rd time I've been told by a customer THIS WEEK ALONE that my picture was being shown somewhere to inspire and promote health and wellness. It is a pretty awesome feeling to know I am inspiring people to do better! THIS was my moment of HAPPINESS for the!
HealthyTrouble.myvi.net <~~~ want to join the 90 Day Challenge?
"30 Days of Happiness" campaign DAY 6 contribution
"30 Days of Happiness" campaign DAY 6 contribution (July 31st): Today I am happy simply because my Father GOD saw fit to awaken me today! My phone died last night because I'd forgotten to connect it for charging before I fell asleep. This ultimately meant there was no alarm to awaken me BUT my Father wrapped His loving arms around me and raised my head from the pillow ... LORD I thank You!
ALSO for the 2 new members of the VI LIFE, Shana Shell and Kayla King, I am SO happy that you've decided to take your health back! Happiness for me comes in ALL forms but my Father's work and those wanting to be healthy and well does something extra!!
"30 Days of Happiness" Campaign contribution for Day 5
"30 Days of Happiness" campaign Day 5 contribution (July 30th): Talking to a customer at work who asks me about the Vi Life & for one of my cards because she is ready to join. She said one of her co-workers (who I don't know) shows my picture to everyone in his excitement over the progress the program gives!!
Then a little later, one of my team members (in Cali) said she uses my pictures to show the people on her job how successful you can be on the program.
My happy moment ... when I realized I AM INSPIRING OTHERS COAST TO COAST TO LIVE HEALTHIER!! WOW ... LIL OLE ME! *MOOD: PROUD* (I woke up out of my sleep to create this post on FB)
"30 Days of Happiness" Campaign contribution for Day 3
"30 Days of Happiness" campaign contribution Day 3 (July 28th): So I'm just getting off of work and walking to the bus stop. When I arrive there are 3 black young adults (2 females, 1 male) & 1 white male, who visibly appeared to be a bit "off" to some degree, at whom these 3 black young adults are laughing.
I sit on a WalMart basket and the white man immediately says "NO MA'AM, take my sit" & gets up. So we switch places & I thank him. He then begins to talk, rather intelligently too! He spoke about a few of his medical conditions & his attempts to get back to Norfolk, VA to get medical treatment because the VA here won't care for him.
We conversed until my bus came, he thanked me for listening to him. I told him no thanks needed because he'd given me no reason not to talk to him. I also said and made sure the 3 black young adults heard it, that if more people treated others as they want to be treated it (conversations with him) would happen more often.
As I walked away I blessed him & wished him safe travels to where ever he was headed. He gave a toothless smile that made my day! THAT was my happy moment ... knowing I could bless & put a smile on a mans face who did not seem to carry one often. GOD bless him ...
All this love from my 1st grand-daughter, Miss Daysha, wrapped around my neck as we watch Despicable Me!! *PRICELESS*
"30 Days of Happiness" Campaign contribution for Day 2
"30 Days of Happiness" Campaign contribution for Day 2: I've posted enough about being ill and how I am hating the steroids so everyone knows I am not feeling well. Most of you know I don't have a car either so this morning I had to get up and walk to the corner store for a few things.
Now being sick and walking in rising heat is NO fun so you can imagine how unhappy I was but not complaining. I hadn't checked my mail in 2 days so I decided to stop and knock that out, my JEA bill & a letter from my son were enclosed. I open my JEA bill 1st which is usually under $10 but this one is $35 (COME ON NAH, SOMETHINGS GOT TO GIVE!!) and then I opened my son's letter to find a new picture of him. *squeals in excitement*
My baby boi looks wonderful under the circumstances and in his letter he says "2 more yrs mama. I am ready to get home to my favorite lady, my sister and my girls*! THIS is my contribution for today! Nothing else that happens today will top that so I can give this early! LOVE YOU DANTE"!!
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My Ancestral Visit
Today started out incredibly rough. I knew upon awakening that I wanted this day to be over expeditiously. My chest was heavy and my head be...

June 1 2014 was the day my son walked out of Baker County Correctional Institution as a free man. He had been gone since November 2009, I re...
These last 90 days have been nothing short of tiresome! There were certainly days that I wanted to give up and not look back but that has NE...
I received a letter from my son (11/30/2011) and as I read this letter repeatedly attempting to wrap my mind around all the things he has sa...