The name STORM describes my chaotic and unpredictable nature. My GEMINI mind is ALWAYS running. Here you will find the twists, turns & adversities of my life including weight loss/fitness, natural hair care, my son's incarceration, firearm instruction and simply moving along my Journey to 50. May 2019 I obtained my B.S. in Converged Communications and now I am learning to love again. This will be interesting and to it all I say BRING IT!
Coonery Chronicles: Life of a Bus Rider - Valentines Day
This here blog is about the foolery one has to deal with on a daily basis when choosing to travel via public transit. It can be extremely nerve wrecking AND comical ALL during the same ride! I think I will start sharing these foolish stories of mine with you all and I promise, I AM NOT MAKING ANY OF IT UP!!!
February 14, 2017 - Valentines Day: the day of love
8:28 a.m. - I am as drug free as they come, minus an over the counter or prescribed medication but otherwise NAH ... NOT ME! So I walks to bus stop this morning and what do I smell? THAT STUFF ... y'all know what I am talkin' about! Not as loud as some I've smelt but it was there nonetheless. So of course, me being asthmatic AND drug free I side eyes the holder of this substance I smell. He sees me looking and says "I'm just spending a little time before work with my favorite girl on Valentines day." 😂😂😂😂 Boy BYE! Now he had everyone on the bus getting high!
1:15 p.m. - Young dude, early 20's, sitting behind me actin' a straight fool on the bus because someone bumped him. He & dude starts having words ... BEHIND ME mind you! All I knew was IT WAS GON' BE SOME SMOKE IN THE GOOD CITY OF JACKSONVILLE IF THEY KNOCK THIS GOOD, NEW WIG OFF MY HEAD WITH THAT FOOLISHNESS! LET EM' TRY ME! 😒😒 #STFU AND RIDE CAUSE I PROMISE Y'ALL DON'T WANT NONE!
Today wasn't so bad ... folk must have been feeling LOVAAAAALEEEEEE (Plies voice) so I am going to give you one more but from another day.
Terrific Tuesday - January 31, 2017 at approximately 2:25 p.m.
The bus driver missed a stop that happened to have a rider waiting. Immediately after, an object is hurled at the bus and crosses the front window. The driver stops a few feet up to check it out and wait on the rider. The dude, who has on a bright green work vest, begins to go IN on the driver and then asks us riding if we saw him. NO ONE ANSWERS! Sir this is NOT our battle, we just want to get where we are going. He continues to give the driver MAD lip service all the while I am thinking BRUH HE STOPPED & WAITED FOR YOU so #STFU and #STFU!! While he is being Mr. McNasty he ONLY drops TWO coins in for fare and the ONLY way that would work is if they were a silver dollar and .50 cent piece which we highly unlikely. THEN you go sit down and commence to run your mouth on the phone. I'm looking at the time, class at 3 and it's about 20 minutes from now. He's sitting being me huffin' and puffin', continuing with the lip service. The bus driver, sitting and waiting patiently, advises you need to pay the remainder of your fair. BRUH ... FARE IS $1.50!! So you get up, slowly walking to the fare box telling the driver you PAID your fare and owe him nothing. YOU ARE WRONG SIR and we were being held up as a result. He pays and the driver pulls off. When we get to the next hub, this angry rider gets off, walks around the front of the bus and hits the driver side window. WHY BRUH? WHY? What did that do but make it so the next time he sees you he misses you on purpose? DUMB ASS!! I can't stand these types of bus riders.
MORAL OF THIS STORY: The driver didn't have to wait so be grateful, sit down and shut up! #Lifeofabusrider #CooneryChronicles
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