Hello beautiful people! I hope every one under the clicks of my keyboard are well. I woke up with a headache from the depths of hell and was trying to decide rather I was going to class or not. I emailed my professor last night to inform her that dependent on how long I was at the hospital I may not attend class. Well, God is truly in the blessing business because I woke up to a class cancellation email!
OKAY ... WHEEEEEEW ... I am back and I know some of you are wondering why I was at the hospital.
I'm just messing, although some of y'all are ... just being honest.
It's been a long, extended weekend for me! What started as a routine doctors visit ended in us having a new addition to our Vann Clan ... Miss Mikaela Chaniya! She was born Friday, February 10 at 10:53 a.m. weighing 6 pounds even and measuring 19 inches long. My little red baby!

May I be totally honest with y'all? Okay, here it goes ... I am in love all over again! There is so much joy in giving birth to your own children but there is something so much greater, more powerful in seeing your legacy grow. Unless you are a grandparent you will never understand the joy of seeing another extension of you enter into this world. I kept thinking, with every grandchild's birth, this is the seed of my seed ... like, I made you and you've made another. That is such a surreal feeling for me. I am immortal (not physically), I can never die because there will always be little extensions of me running around on this earth. You don't think about these things until you become a grandparent but those thoughts and so much more begin to enter your head and that's another blog all in itself!
This is why I had not been blogging consistently since Thursday, February 9. That is the day we began preparation for Mikaela's arrival. She wasn't due until the months end but arrived two weeks early due to the complications of

What Is Preeclampsia? It occurs during the pregnancy and mom has high blood pressure and protein in the urine. It can happen at any point after week 20 of pregnancy. This condition is also called toxemia or pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH). It only occurs during pregnancy, but it can occur earlier than week 20 in some cases. Approximately 5 to 8 percent of pregnant women get preeclampsia, not a very high number but high enough and we were effected. It has taken a lot out of her too.
If you have followed my "
Mother of an Incarcerated Son" blogs from the beginning, you are familiar with this mother. We have not always seen eye to eye on a lot of things but I am thanking GOD for growth and maturity. Since this pregnancy was announced, just like with Daysha, I was there. Mom and I have kept in close, constant contact about all that is going on with she and the baby. Never in my wildest dreams did I believe Misty and I would be close as we are today. When she told me she wanted me to be in the room for labor and delivery duty I was surprised. I've prayed to have a better relationship with this young lady since finding out her first daughter, MiJael, was my granddaughter. It's been a long, tough journey for she and I

I will share our birthing story after I speak with her and she says it is ok. Some things are not meant to be thrown out to the wolves to be torn apart, chewed up and devoured only to have it regurgitated and the process started over again. I learned that during some of my previous blogs, won't be doing that again. Also, I do believe that reading the prior blogs would be a great way for all of the great readers of my blogs to prepare yourself for the blog that is yet to come. I will exude nothing but the good news of the Lord because He and ONLY He could be responsible for this union.
For those who haven't seen, I'll drop a few pictures from the labor and delivery experience. ENJOY MY MIKAELA!!

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