The name STORM describes my chaotic and unpredictable nature. My GEMINI mind is ALWAYS running. Here you will find the twists, turns & adversities of my life including weight loss/fitness, natural hair care, my son's incarceration, firearm instruction and simply moving along my Journey to 50. May 2019 I obtained my B.S. in Converged Communications and now I am learning to love again. This will be interesting and to it all I say BRING IT!
He can cause the Unthinkable
Wednesday, February 15, I did what use to be the unthinkable. Anyone who knows the history that Misty and I have is TOTALLY shocked at how we've come together and even more shocked to know what went down. I won't go into our history because it is dark, messy and nothing good resides there BUT there are THREE blogs that detail our past dealings. To get a full understanding of how powerful this blog is, you should read them, to know where we've come from allows you to appreciate where we are today.
I remember the ONLY way I would go to Misty's house in the past would be to pick up her oldest daughter, my granddaughter, MiJael for visits with my son when he was incarcerated. It was very rare that I was able to get her for a 'just because' visit. I rarely, if at all, went inside Misty's home for anything until MiJael's fourth birthday party. I brought her older sister Daysha over so they could celebrate together. Outside of that it was pull up, pick up, drop off and leave.
From the looks of this picture, you'd think she and I were close but on the contrary, we were not. I don't honestly know where the healing began between the two of us that has allowed us to get to the point where we are now but I am glad it happened. I know it was solidified with the announcement of her second pregnancy by son. Without going into TOO much personal detail, she and I have very similar pregnancy stories and I believe this is where the bond was tightened. I was told of everything that went on in the pregnancy; when she was going to the doctor, when she was diagnosed with preeclampsia, how the visits went and the IT'S TIME call!
Everything for me ceased at that moment! I wrote my teacher to advise I'd be missing class and called out of work. She wanted me to be there for the baby's birth and I had every intention on being there. See, if you don't know the full story you can not appreciate this glory I am sharing.
After my beautiful third granddaughter was born, I spent as much time at the hospital as I could. If I could be there I was. I was constantly checking on mom as much as I was the baby, who ended up having to be admitted to the NICU. They'd both had it pretty rough.
So fast forwarding to Wednesday, I went shopping for both MiJael and MiKaela because I had every intention on heading to see them. Misty and I had been texting so she knew the plan. My son, who was my transportation, had his listening party for his FUCK THE HELP VOL 2 mixtape that is being released, digitally and hard copy (NOT shameless plug)
so I knew my time would be limited unless I did what was once the UNTHINKABLE ... stay at Misty's house while he took care of business. I had never just sat at her house for any reason, aside from the previously mentioned birthday party so this would be new. To make matters worst, I didn't tell her that I'd have to do this in order to visit. In my excitement to see the baby I neglected to share that with her. I think the thought of her saying I couldn't stay was keeping me from doing the right thing. What if she had plans? What if she wasn't in the same place as I am in our new found friendship and wouldn't agree to my staying there that long. So many questions but I prayed and made my way to her house. When we arrived, gifts in hand, I advised her that I'd be staying for my visit. She didn't seem to hesitate in welcoming me into her home; no faces were made and no attitude was given. She simply brought the baby to me and all the things she'd need for me to care for her and went back into her room. I told her to take this time and rest. She would come out occasionally to talk to me and see what the baby was doing. When it was time for me to leave I told her now that we've gotten that first stay over visit out of the way to please expect more ... until I can steal the baby away to my place.
I am still in awe at how well that visit went. Never in a million years would I have, we have, imagined we'd be this cordial to and with one another. I am glad the Father worked on both of us to make this union work, not just for us but for the grand-babies as well. I prayed many days and nights that I would be able to have a relationship with MiJael like I have with Daysha but in order to make that happen I would have to make peace with Misty. MY FATHER DID THAT!!
Misty I want to thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life and my grand-babies lives. At one point neither of us thought anything like this would ever happen. I keep repeating that through out this blog because it is a blessing and blessings are meant to be shared. I pray our situation blesses others in positions like ours, from past to present, and opens their eyes and hearts to do what we did. Let go of the hurt, the anger, the past and move forward to a better, brighter family future! It's best for all involved. I know it has made me a happier person!
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