The name STORM describes my chaotic and unpredictable nature. My GEMINI mind is ALWAYS running. Here you will find the twists, turns & adversities of my life including weight loss/fitness, natural hair care, my son's incarceration, firearm instruction and simply moving along my Journey to 50. May 2019 I obtained my B.S. in Converged Communications and now I am learning to love again. This will be interesting and to it all I say BRING IT!
A Whole New World - Welcome to Fatherhood
September 2009 to June 2014 - the time my son spent as an inmate of the Florida state prison system. Before that, it was 18 months in Duval County Jail. He had been in and out of trouble since early in his double digit age. The time where he should have been growing into young adulthood leading to his manhood and learning to become a productive member of society he was being labeled a menace to society instead.
During his time in prison, the first year to be exact, two beautiful little girls were born, Daysha and Mijael. Although he was able to see them via prison visits he missed out on so many important events; that includes the births, feedings, diaper changes, teething, first words and steps. Watching them grow into their own little persons and develop their girly personalities ... the things that make parenting REAL! He knew he was a father but the reality of parenthood and all it entails were not a part of his every day life so it wasn't a big deal to him ... until he was released. At that point both girls were four and DEFINITELY had their own personalities.
These two little ladies are now seven and are a handful, even more so now than before and getting to know school age children as well as join the parenting arena is not as easy as one would think. It's almost like the children belong to others, those who were there when he wasn't and not him. Others have more say on things than he does as the father and it hurts. It is definitely a process but with time and consistency, it should get better. The great thing is he has been given a chance to do everything he missed before. Something brand new has happened, he has become a father again. On February 10th at 10:53 a.m. another baby girl was brought into this crazy world - Mikaela Chaniya.
This time he was here for the pregnancy as well as labor and delivery. YES HE SAW IT ALL! We all joked about how he would probably faint at the sight of childbirth but he proved us wrong! So wrong, in fact, he watched intensely as she was being pushed out and cut the cord when the time came.
I must admit, I definitely did not see that coming but neither did I expect all that followed afterwards. You see, Mikaela ended up in the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) due to an obstruction in her stomach that prevented her from feeding properly. She was also said to have some irregularities with her heart that eventually went away. She was there for four days. Her mother had a rough pregnancy, labor and delivery and post-natal issues as well due to pre-eclampsia so they were separated briefly after birth. That was extremely difficult on mom and not much easier on dad. This was his first time getting the full experience and his baby is sick. I will say he didn't miss a beat though. I had just left the hospital when I received the call that she had the obstruction and had been taken to the NICU. This is what my son sent to my daughter and I.
That's his hand you see with the finger wrapped in his baby's tiny little fingers. You have to know this broke my heart! I was wishing I had not left the hospital so I could be there not only for my new grand-baby but my son and mom, who was going through it. I could only imagine how they were feeling as parents. I will say my son did not miss a beat when it came to being there. He'd be there in the morning, afternoon or late at night if he was not recording. (GET HIS NEW MIXTAPE RICH BROKE - FUCK THE HELP Vol 2 - Ballin Like Marlon edition) Forgive my shameless plug but that's what a proud mom does ... now back to the story at hand. I enjoyed seeing the pictures of him in the NICU. I enjoyed the times I was there seeing him in action; feeding, burping, talking to her. It was the most beautiful thing in the world to me. These pictures are from three different visits.
It was amazing watching and talking to him through out this process. The incarceration during the other births did not slow him down one bit, he's been all in! During the NICU stay, the nurse knew him and talked everything over with him. She explained what the doctors said, what she noted and he understood and conveyed everything to me just as they told him. I knew he knew what they were talking about; I could tell he asked questions and I loved every minute of it. Since Mikaela has been released he has continued to spend as much time as he is allowed to my knowledge. He is enjoying being a part of this process and I am enjoying watching him. Yes he has other children, not that they are loved any less but this entire process was missed the first time around. There is nothing like being there for it all. These two are going to have a bond out of this world. Stay tuned folk, the best is yet to come! I see a great father in the making.
Cee and Gee as told by WE - Part 2: Putting the cards on the table
Relationships fail and when you can’t figure out why or how things went array you revisit these things. No not to rekindle any flames although it can happen, but simply attempting to set the record straight. This blog is the relationship tale of Cee and Gee as told by WE, me and he. His story will be in bold so it is easier to follow who is saying what without any confusion or doubt. For exactly 90 days (Jan 7-Apr 7) we attempted to build something that felt so right but ultimately failed. There is fault on both our parts but how much of it will either agree belongs to whom? I will be totally honest, I don’t know where this will go and if we will even get through the entire 90 days in this blog but you’ll have to read and stay tuned to find out.
Part 1, we left off on the establishment of a relationship date. The first 30 days, on that 7th day of January when it was told to me that I would not be single, I decided to be straight forward with all things to move forward! We all have a past that should not determine the future but it is sometimes relevant to move forward! We all have a past that should not determine the future but it is sometimes relevant to move forward and our past was closer related than I was truly aware of. With that being said, I laid all of my cards on the table so to speak about my previous poor choices, being responsible for those choices and not placing blame on anyone else for my state of affairs. I made sure that she was aware that one of her associates was someone from my past. I told her that she would not have nice things to really say about me because said individual still has their own problems she fail to address. I admit that I was hoe in my youth and like the saying goes it’s easy to get into trouble, harder to get out. The getting to know you better process was interesting to say the least. From Gee’s past to his present, there was SO much information to consume. As I said in the previous blog, I knew Gee but only on a fun level. The party animal that loved to drink but he was always fun to be around so when it came time to get to know the Gee that would turn ME to WE I wasn’t really prepared. As he stated, our pasts were linked closer than either of us knew. So close, in fact, that he reached out to an ex of mine to let him know we were dating. I was shocked because I never knew they were that close to even remotely THINK to do that. I, in turn, reached out to the young lady that he dated.
I was NOT prepared for the ear full I received, well, I was and wasn't. Some of the things she said hit home hard, almost sounding like she was speaking directly about some of what he and I had said and done to date and those things were not easy to simply dismiss. Of course I discussed my concerns and thoughts about all that was said with Gee and told him what I expected. I had to grow up so I had been working on me, to fix what was wrong with in first. I did that part but people still will only see what was and not what is if they don't truly see you with that being said I listened to what Chanel was telling me and what she needed so I did my best to compromise and change what I could to make us work because I chose to for me first then us. I have to admit, this was all new to me and after 7 years of being single and living with a single life mentality, it was really hard to change. Having to deal with some of the things that were falling into my lap, in a new relationship, was a bit overwhelming; from his health to his finances and his past and present. It almost made me want to run for the hills but I had to remember not everything is perfect in life and I needed to
This was still really new so I had to slow my fast pacing Gemini/bi-polar mind down and just begin to focus on making this thing work. After all, I was the one who initiated it all. The only thing that required some assistance was my communication, which I was honest about needing work. It’s kinda hard to fix that part, I mean its only so much talking to yourself one can do! I made efforts to work on my health, which is still an everyday struggle but I push forward. When you have been doing things for almost 30+ years it’s a lil harder to change those things. I still worked to change those things every day; I just wish she had the patience to see that! We shared belief in the man upstairs which should be in all relationships, in my opinion and you don't have to be all churchy!
These were some of our best moments ... reading the word before bed, rather we were together or in our own beds. We would read together over the phone when we were apart. I loved that! This began when he came to stay at my place for a week ... the first big effort made to kick this thing off right!
Protect Yourself First Ladies!
There is nothing worse than being dragged into a situation you have absolutely NOTHING to do with! Even worst is the person dragging you in giving you attitude about your response to said situation. This blog here goes out to my ladies, the females, who seem to be fine NOT making the men use
and having unprotected sex while apparently not thinking of the consequences that can occur later on down the line. The disease aspect, in itself, is a bit much for me but if I were fertile and able to reproduce PREGNANCY would be the big issue especially if I were not ready to be a parent. By not ready I mean financially, mentally and emotionally because face it, if you are not in a serious relationship with a man, you may very well end up a single mother. I am not placing all the blame on us ladies BUT at some point we must take responsibility for ourselves and our bodies. It is NOT all up to the guys.
So, Chanel, where is this coming from you might be asking ... well let me tell you. There is a young lady who has an 8-year-old daughter that has been raised by another man, so I have been told. Apparently testing was done and
What happens now? She gets on a quest to find the birth father of course. This is so important on ALL levels because 1) children should know who their fathers are (in some cases) and 2) medical reasons. Knowing where you come from can explain a lot of things about why you may have the things you have, etc. Family is important and it is always great to know both sides. Keeping all of that in mind, in her quest to reach out to who she felt may be the child's father she reached out to the mother of his child, sent pictures to show how much she felt they resembled and even got together so the two could play. Keep in mind, this happened before DNA testing was done.
Next, she gets her sister to reach out to the potential fathers' mother asking if she would please call the young lady about the situation. The mother respectfully declines. What happens next? The young lady reaches out to the mother. Ladies, understand before you contact any mother, remember the situation you are in is between YOU and THE SON not the mother so if you don't get the response you are looking for do not get mad just keep it pushing. This is NOT the mothers battle. The mother explains she will not be calling her or doing anything to get to know her or the child until a DNA test is done so there is no need to continue reaching out. It is not fair to that little girl to keep meeting people and possibly have to turn around and meet a different set of people. THIS is how we mess our children up in a horrible way. Protect these children from parental mess by keeping them out of it until proper testing has been done and results are back. The next move the young lady makes is the one recommended by the mother, get a court ordered DNA test and go from there. She reaches out to the mother again to let her know a date has been set for she and her daughter to have the testing done and that the potential father will be served his papers at the address listed in the system. When the mother says that is good, you did the right the thing for you and your daughter the young lady asks the mother to call her ... again.
The mother has respectfully declined twice before and tells her again, it is not going to happen. Why does she need to speak with the mother? SHE DOESN'T! What does the young lady do then? She plays the "Being that you're a mother yourself I thought ..." card and proceeds to tell the mother you and your son rather live your lives with what may be unclear. Ladies, please know, if you EVER have hopes of you and your child getting to know the potential grandmother if the DNA comes back from her tree THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO GET THERE! The mother totally understood the frustration of the young lady, couldn't relate but understood. She's seen it too many times around her with family and friends. This is why she recommended the testing and for this young lady to do what she must for her child and herself.
Before the mother wrapped up this Facebook inbox conversation she made it perfectly clear that she did not have these kinds of problems with her children. She knew to whom they belonged. She expressed how she was very cautious and protective of herself to avoid having to figure out who her "baby daddy" was. She was not bashing the young lady or her choices but had to let her know NOT to come for her about something she has nothing to do with. Yes, the potential father is her son but bottom line THIS IS NOT HER ISSUE! This is between the young lady and the potential father ... NOT the young lady, the potential father and his mother.
This has to be embarrassing, frustrating and hurtful for this young lady and the mother gets it but ladies and make better choices with whom you lay, especially unprotected because coming at the mother ... trust ... THAT
I just pray the ladies who are able to reproduce understand and get it through their heads that taking care of #1 is a top priority! If that man doesn't respect you enough to cover up then you respect yourself enough to walk away. These types of situations can be totally avoided if we started putting US FIRST! Men will do what they do and be who they want to be, we can't control that but putting yourself before him will definitely assist in preventing your feelings as well as your child's feelings from being hurt on so many levels.
He can cause the Unthinkable
Wednesday, February 15, I did what use to be the unthinkable. Anyone who knows the history that Misty and I have is TOTALLY shocked at how we've come together and even more shocked to know what went down. I won't go into our history because it is dark, messy and nothing good resides there BUT there are THREE blogs that detail our past dealings. To get a full understanding of how powerful this blog is, you should read them, to know where we've come from allows you to appreciate where we are today.
I remember the ONLY way I would go to Misty's house in the past would be to pick up her oldest daughter, my granddaughter, MiJael for visits with my son when he was incarcerated. It was very rare that I was able to get her for a 'just because' visit. I rarely, if at all, went inside Misty's home for anything until MiJael's fourth birthday party. I brought her older sister Daysha over so they could celebrate together. Outside of that it was pull up, pick up, drop off and leave.
From the looks of this picture, you'd think she and I were close but on the contrary, we were not. I don't honestly know where the healing began between the two of us that has allowed us to get to the point where we are now but I am glad it happened. I know it was solidified with the announcement of her second pregnancy by son. Without going into TOO much personal detail, she and I have very similar pregnancy stories and I believe this is where the bond was tightened. I was told of everything that went on in the pregnancy; when she was going to the doctor, when she was diagnosed with preeclampsia, how the visits went and the IT'S TIME call!
Everything for me ceased at that moment! I wrote my teacher to advise I'd be missing class and called out of work. She wanted me to be there for the baby's birth and I had every intention on being there. See, if you don't know the full story you can not appreciate this glory I am sharing.
After my beautiful third granddaughter was born, I spent as much time at the hospital as I could. If I could be there I was. I was constantly checking on mom as much as I was the baby, who ended up having to be admitted to the NICU. They'd both had it pretty rough.
So fast forwarding to Wednesday, I went shopping for both MiJael and MiKaela because I had every intention on heading to see them. Misty and I had been texting so she knew the plan. My son, who was my transportation, had his listening party for his FUCK THE HELP VOL 2 mixtape that is being released, digitally and hard copy (NOT shameless plug)
so I knew my time would be limited unless I did what was once the UNTHINKABLE ... stay at Misty's house while he took care of business. I had never just sat at her house for any reason, aside from the previously mentioned birthday party so this would be new. To make matters worst, I didn't tell her that I'd have to do this in order to visit. In my excitement to see the baby I neglected to share that with her. I think the thought of her saying I couldn't stay was keeping me from doing the right thing. What if she had plans? What if she wasn't in the same place as I am in our new found friendship and wouldn't agree to my staying there that long. So many questions but I prayed and made my way to her house. When we arrived, gifts in hand, I advised her that I'd be staying for my visit. She didn't seem to hesitate in welcoming me into her home; no faces were made and no attitude was given. She simply brought the baby to me and all the things she'd need for me to care for her and went back into her room. I told her to take this time and rest. She would come out occasionally to talk to me and see what the baby was doing. When it was time for me to leave I told her now that we've gotten that first stay over visit out of the way to please expect more ... until I can steal the baby away to my place.
I am still in awe at how well that visit went. Never in a million years would I have, we have, imagined we'd be this cordial to and with one another. I am glad the Father worked on both of us to make this union work, not just for us but for the grand-babies as well. I prayed many days and nights that I would be able to have a relationship with MiJael like I have with Daysha but in order to make that happen I would have to make peace with Misty. MY FATHER DID THAT!!
Misty I want to thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life and my grand-babies lives. At one point neither of us thought anything like this would ever happen. I keep repeating that through out this blog because it is a blessing and blessings are meant to be shared. I pray our situation blesses others in positions like ours, from past to present, and opens their eyes and hearts to do what we did. Let go of the hurt, the anger, the past and move forward to a better, brighter family future! It's best for all involved. I know it has made me a happier person!
Love my Patriarch!
I was speaking with the Vann clan Patriarch, Arthur Vann, Sr. AKA Daddy Arthur, as I rode the bus to school today. He had me thinking and praying so hard. Listening to him speak of life, health, family, questioning and speaking life into my current situations, I can only pray to live as long, gain as much infinite wisdom and be in the best of health as he is by 50. Let alone 87! He said something to me that hit me so hard during our conversation, "Baby I'm 87 years-old, that's 13 years from 100".
This photo was taken by my cousin Ashney from his 87th birthday family gathering this past September. This man looks no where NEAR his 80's. I'll give him 60's at best with a 30 something year old activity level. He uses NO assistance to get up and around. He takes NO prescribed medication of any kind and interacts at full mental capacity! God is some kinda good, I tell ya and he makes NO qualms about where his help, health and strength comes from!
He is like the OG of this family and has made it known he is going to walk behind ALL of our caskets! Is he immortal? Does he know something we don't? It would seem that way! He has me feeling some type of way today, I'll tell you that.
It's funny after all these years he still does NOT say BYE at the end of a conversation, more like "ok baby, talk to ya later". Today, what got me was his "ok baby, love you", it was all I needed today. He is the reason why I am the way I am. SPOILED AND SLIGHTLY UPPITY! He made sure we had EVERYTHING we needed! Between my grand and great-grandparents we lived in great communities with no reason to be or act ghetto. He also taught me, in actions, NEVER to settle and even though no one wants to be lonely or single forever I'd rather be that than settle and be unhappy. He taught us to work hard for what we want in life. I have slipped several times on a few of his life lessons but one things for sure, I'll NEVER forget any of them! I appreciate these moments and intend to keep them coming. I just felt like sharing this today to encourage anyone who still has grandparents around to call them often if they are not near or go visit if they are. There's nothing like a grandparent.
Everything does NOT need to be discussed!
Ladies, I know it eats us up when we see and know things that pertain to the man we are interested in OR in a relationship with. When we get this information it damn near burns a hole in our esophagus and larynx to keep it in, doesn't it? Let me share something with y'all real quick, something I learned from experience, if you disclose this information and you are not prepared to do anything about it DON'T SAY A FREAKIN' WORD!
If said information has made you reevaluate your choice in this man, have a game plan when you approach him. For example, you find out he is dealing with another woman, you have concrete proof that this is so ... when you approach him, he says it's a lie. Now what? Or he says she is just a friend, there is nothing to it BUT AGAIN you have CONCRETE PROOF that he is actually dealing with her on a more than friendship level ... now what? If you think he'll come clean about it and leave her alone OR you plan to leave him, address it BUT if you have no plan except to be in this triangle after you know he won't admit to it then again I say
Why? Because you know he's dealing with her and when you approach him he lies about it soooooooooooooo what's the point of you staying or saying anything? At this point you are aiding and abetting the activity and can't be mad at anyone but yourself when you get that BIG HURT because it'll definitely come!
If you can remain friends with said mate/dude then back away and keep that friendship. If he means that much to you, if not
Free yourself from the bullshit if there is no need to keep him around otherwise just show him how strong your fallback game can be! Smile and continue on in wellness. He will see what he missed before you will but by then it'll be too late more than likely SO remember my sisters, NOT EVERYTHING NEEDS TO BE DISCLOSED OR DISCUSSED!! IF YOU HAVE A GAME PLAN DO DAT THANG OTHERWISE
Coonery Chronicles: Life of a Bus Rider - Valentines Day
This here blog is about the foolery one has to deal with on a daily basis when choosing to travel via public transit. It can be extremely nerve wrecking AND comical ALL during the same ride! I think I will start sharing these foolish stories of mine with you all and I promise, I AM NOT MAKING ANY OF IT UP!!!
February 14, 2017 - Valentines Day: the day of love
8:28 a.m. - I am as drug free as they come, minus an over the counter or prescribed medication but otherwise NAH ... NOT ME! So I walks to bus stop this morning and what do I smell? THAT STUFF ... y'all know what I am talkin' about! Not as loud as some I've smelt but it was there nonetheless. So of course, me being asthmatic AND drug free I side eyes the holder of this substance I smell. He sees me looking and says "I'm just spending a little time before work with my favorite girl on Valentines day." 😂😂😂😂 Boy BYE! Now he had everyone on the bus getting high!
1:15 p.m. - Young dude, early 20's, sitting behind me actin' a straight fool on the bus because someone bumped him. He & dude starts having words ... BEHIND ME mind you! All I knew was IT WAS GON' BE SOME SMOKE IN THE GOOD CITY OF JACKSONVILLE IF THEY KNOCK THIS GOOD, NEW WIG OFF MY HEAD WITH THAT FOOLISHNESS! LET EM' TRY ME! 😒😒 #STFU AND RIDE CAUSE I PROMISE Y'ALL DON'T WANT NONE!
Today wasn't so bad ... folk must have been feeling LOVAAAAALEEEEEE (Plies voice) so I am going to give you one more but from another day.
Terrific Tuesday - January 31, 2017 at approximately 2:25 p.m.
The bus driver missed a stop that happened to have a rider waiting. Immediately after, an object is hurled at the bus and crosses the front window. The driver stops a few feet up to check it out and wait on the rider. The dude, who has on a bright green work vest, begins to go IN on the driver and then asks us riding if we saw him. NO ONE ANSWERS! Sir this is NOT our battle, we just want to get where we are going. He continues to give the driver MAD lip service all the while I am thinking BRUH HE STOPPED & WAITED FOR YOU so #STFU and #STFU!! While he is being Mr. McNasty he ONLY drops TWO coins in for fare and the ONLY way that would work is if they were a silver dollar and .50 cent piece which we highly unlikely. THEN you go sit down and commence to run your mouth on the phone. I'm looking at the time, class at 3 and it's about 20 minutes from now. He's sitting being me huffin' and puffin', continuing with the lip service. The bus driver, sitting and waiting patiently, advises you need to pay the remainder of your fair. BRUH ... FARE IS $1.50!! So you get up, slowly walking to the fare box telling the driver you PAID your fare and owe him nothing. YOU ARE WRONG SIR and we were being held up as a result. He pays and the driver pulls off. When we get to the next hub, this angry rider gets off, walks around the front of the bus and hits the driver side window. WHY BRUH? WHY? What did that do but make it so the next time he sees you he misses you on purpose? DUMB ASS!! I can't stand these types of bus riders.
MORAL OF THIS STORY: The driver didn't have to wait so be grateful, sit down and shut up! #Lifeofabusrider #CooneryChronicles
M&M Update - He Keeps On Doin' GREAT Things!
Misty text me this morning that she had finally broken down ... I was surprised that she'd held up that long. This is day 5 and she's gone through a great deal of things on top of having a newborn in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Both mom and baby have been fighting a great fight so for her to just now break down, I had to let her know ...
Shortly after that text Misty called me to give an update on Mikaela. Miss thing pulled the feeding tube out of her nose BUT that was fine because she has been feeding fine orally since yesterday when I was there for her 9:00 a.m. feeding. This meant they did not have to reinsert the tube!! I had to hit the celebratory baby dance for Mikaela ...
Not only is the feeding tube gone but ALL the tubes, cords, wires, and other attachments are gone! They have taken her off of everything to include the heat lamp therapy that she seemed to be so fond of. The last test she has to pass is the car seat test and you'd best believe that seat has been provided to the testers! I just need y'all to understand, my baby had the masses sending up prayers on her and mom's behalf. There were and still are mountains being moved for their healthy, speedy recoveries.
I am thankful for the techs, nurses and doctors who have dutifully been on their jobs to take care of these two but even more I thank my Father up above for giving these folk their gifts of compassion and caring. I takes a lot to work in the medical field ... I did it for 18 years and chucked the deuces because I no longer had it in me.
Mom is still in the same health position, slowly but surely getting better. Please keep her lifted in prayer. That preeclampsia is a BEAST! I would not wish this condition on ANYONE, not even my worst enemy. I believe this is preparing her for something much bigger than herself. This has been a painful ordeal but no pain no gain as the fitness world says. It can apply to EVERYTHING in life though. Get ready for your something new Misty, it's coming.
When He shows up and shows out!
Hello beautiful people! I hope every one under the clicks of my keyboard are well. I woke up with a headache from the depths of hell and was trying to decide rather I was going to class or not. I emailed my professor last night to inform her that dependent on how long I was at the hospital I may not attend class. Well, God is truly in the blessing business because I woke up to a class cancellation email!
OKAY ... WHEEEEEEW ... I am back and I know some of you are wondering why I was at the hospital.
I'm just messing, although some of y'all are ... just being honest.
It's been a long, extended weekend for me! What started as a routine doctors visit ended in us having a new addition to our Vann Clan ... Miss Mikaela Chaniya! She was born Friday, February 10 at 10:53 a.m. weighing 6 pounds even and measuring 19 inches long. My little red baby!
May I be totally honest with y'all? Okay, here it goes ... I am in love all over again! There is so much joy in giving birth to your own children but there is something so much greater, more powerful in seeing your legacy grow. Unless you are a grandparent you will never understand the joy of seeing another extension of you enter into this world. I kept thinking, with every grandchild's birth, this is the seed of my seed ... like, I made you and you've made another. That is such a surreal feeling for me. I am immortal (not physically), I can never die because there will always be little extensions of me running around on this earth. You don't think about these things until you become a grandparent but those thoughts and so much more begin to enter your head and that's another blog all in itself!
This is why I had not been blogging consistently since Thursday, February 9. That is the day we began preparation for Mikaela's arrival. She wasn't due until the months end but arrived two weeks early due to the complications of
What Is Preeclampsia? It occurs during the pregnancy and mom has high blood pressure and protein in the urine. It can happen at any point after week 20 of pregnancy. This condition is also called toxemia or pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH). It only occurs during pregnancy, but it can occur earlier than week 20 in some cases. Approximately 5 to 8 percent of pregnant women get preeclampsia, not a very high number but high enough and we were effected. It has taken a lot out of her too.
If you have followed my "Mother of an Incarcerated Son" blogs from the beginning, you are familiar with this mother. We have not always seen eye to eye on a lot of things but I am thanking GOD for growth and maturity. Since this pregnancy was announced, just like with Daysha, I was there. Mom and I have kept in close, constant contact about all that is going on with she and the baby. Never in my wildest dreams did I believe Misty and I would be close as we are today. When she told me she wanted me to be in the room for labor and delivery duty I was surprised. I've prayed to have a better relationship with this young lady since finding out her first daughter, MiJael, was my granddaughter. It's been a long, tough journey for she and I
I will share our birthing story after I speak with her and she says it is ok. Some things are not meant to be thrown out to the wolves to be torn apart, chewed up and devoured only to have it regurgitated and the process started over again. I learned that during some of my previous blogs, won't be doing that again. Also, I do believe that reading the prior blogs would be a great way for all of the great readers of my blogs to prepare yourself for the blog that is yet to come. I will exude nothing but the good news of the Lord because He and ONLY He could be responsible for this union.
For those who haven't seen, I'll drop a few pictures from the labor and delivery experience. ENJOY MY MIKAELA!!

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My Ancestral Visit
Today started out incredibly rough. I knew upon awakening that I wanted this day to be over expeditiously. My chest was heavy and my head be...

June 1 2014 was the day my son walked out of Baker County Correctional Institution as a free man. He had been gone since November 2009, I re...
These last 90 days have been nothing short of tiresome! There were certainly days that I wanted to give up and not look back but that has NE...
I received a letter from my son (11/30/2011) and as I read this letter repeatedly attempting to wrap my mind around all the things he has sa...