30 Days of Thankfulness 2017 - Day 4

When Day 4 rolled around, the Day 3 woes were still upon me. Even though things were talked about and reconciled I still couldn't shake it, something was nagging at me. I couldn't put my finger on it BUT I knew what I had to do. This was Day 4 of my 40 days of meditation so I would simply take it to the universe and let it go

We were instructed to find a mantra that works for us and after reading a few of the mantras provided I was attracted to the mantra for the Solar Plexus chakra also known as Manipura. This is the chakra primarily associated with self-esteem, confidence and willpower. When balanced Manipura chakra allows you to have control over your thoughts and emotional responses, set healthy boundaries, and be at peace with yourself.

How would you know if your Solar Plexus is imbalanced? You will notice an excess of energy or an energy deficiency as well as but not limited to overeating and overindulgence, fatigue or excessive laziness, insecurities, anxiety and fear, lack of confidence and poor self-image and/or an inability to focus and lack of organization just to name a few. Its physical association is with digestive function: stomach ulcers, indigestion, diabetes, eating disorders and other illnesses tied to the digestive system. These could be symptoms of an unbalanced solar plexus chakra. I saw myself all over the list so I needed to fix that.

November 4, Day 4 of #30DaysofThankfulness - I am thankful for meditation. The peace, calm, and serenity that falls upon me as I inhale & exhale slowly, rhythmically allowing the pains of the day and more to wash away. If you've never meditated I implore you to do so. Find THAT place and let it take you there.

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