The name STORM describes my chaotic and unpredictable nature. My GEMINI mind is ALWAYS running. Here you will find the twists, turns & adversities of my life including weight loss/fitness, natural hair care, my son's incarceration, firearm instruction and simply moving along my Journey to 50. May 2019 I obtained my B.S. in Converged Communications and now I am learning to love again. This will be interesting and to it all I say BRING IT!
WHAT A WEEKEND - 24 Hour No Complaints
I decided to hold off on the blogs for the weekend. My daughter and son-in-love were here and I knew there'd be so much to blog about. Days 3-6 were absolutely wonderful!!
My daughter and future son-in-love visited for the weekend. They arrived late Thursday/early Friday morning. It had been since May that we'd seen each other. It's always a great time when we get together.
Friday, Day 3 of Challenge 3.0 #thestartover was an AWESOME day! My daughter drove me to work, bought me breakfast AND picked me up (no JTA today boo boo). Work was great, as it has been for the past 2-3 weeks with this challenge. After work, we all chilled until time to meet up with my #LeoKing for dinner and drinks. She had heard so much about him over the phone in the last month and a half, it was time to finally meet. No, I didn't need her approval to date him but when you are dating and you have children I am a firm believer that all should meet and see how they vibe. Children, no matter the age, tend to pick up on things we may miss. They were actually able to talk and have a great time!
What a blessing it is when everyone can get along. Even my son was accepting, in his own way. He usually talks about everyone and likes no one ... I have not heard ONE word from him. Anyone who knows my son KNOWS that is damn near magic for that to happen! #Day3wasaGOODday
What a dope day Saturday Day 4 of Challenge 3.0 turned out to be. Hit the beach with the young adults for some line dancing with my line dance family. THAT'S how you start a day the right way.
I didn't get to see my #LeoKing at all but we spoke several times so all is well with the world. There was absolutely nothing to complain about on Days 3 and 4. It's like all the positive energy in the universe aligned itself with my vibrations and gave me back what I was doing my best to give! THIS is what you call a NO COMPLAINT R.O.I. (return on your investment)!! #Day4wasaGREATday
I had to work a long shift so that meant I had to leave all of my babies. I wasn't happy, after all it was the first time ever that all 4 of my girls were together but I had to go get that money and God willing I will see them all again, together, soon! Work, as always, was short handed with the usual call out but what that does is make for a faster day ... or so I thought. Yesterday had to be the slowest, longest day on earth! (laughs loudly) That is NOT a complaint but an observation. I can't quite remember a slower day to be honest but I made it through. Day 5 ended with all the grands gone but it still come to a wonderful close. My daughter and son in love took me to dinner.
Don't let the absence of full smiles fool you, we enjoyed ourselves but we were all tired. Besides, we were smizing! Dinner was followed by convo with the #LeoKing and sleep. This is how I brought Day 5 to a close, with him on my mind and in my heart which made for a great nights sleep. It also took me away from the thoughts of my daughter leaving. Although my son resides here we rarely cross paths so it's like living alone. #Day5wasanEMOTIONALday
Monday, today, Day 6 was a good day even though it continued on an emotional track. Why? It is the day my daughter and son-in-love leave for VA. I wish she lived here with my son and I but as I said previously, at some point the adult child must leave the house. One of the bright spots of the is we were able to have a 2 Kweens and 2 Kings lunch with my #LeoKing before they hit the road. I have to admit I watched them as they ate, walked through the grocery store and finished packing for their departure. The more I watch the sadder I became. I never once complained about them leaving, 1) it wouldn't change anything but 2) I was too thankful for the time we had together. That's how you remain complaint free, find the positive in EVERYTHING because EVERYTHING does have a positive side.
Thankfully, it's my favorite day of the week ... MARVELOUS MONDAY ... the day I teach line dance aerobics. Dancing always makes any day better. It was a smaller class than usual but that gave me a chance to do more dances because I didn't have to break too much down.
So now, let me ask, have you gotten on-board for the 24 Hour, No Complaint challenge? If so, have you been successful? Share your trials and triumphs with me and other readers who may need some inspiration and motivation. Tell us how it's going because we all know attempting to get and keep positive energy is tough but remember, we fall down but we get up.
Starting Over Day 2 - 24 Hours No Compliants
So here I go ... AGAIN ... round 3 of this 24 Hours No Complaints challenge. Maybe I should call it "Challenge 3.0", whatcha'll think? Any who, it is now Day 2 and what a day it has been!!
This day started off REALLY rough and hasn't fully recovered yet but at least there was no reason to complain and for that I am grateful. A very good friend, more like a brother as he was definitely family to me, passed unexpectedly in the wee hours of the morning. That is the news I woke up to, the very first thing I saw in my DM. After speaking with a family member to verify the validity of what I'd been told I broke down ... ALL THE WAY DOWN! I am not saddened in his passing, as we are supposed to rejoice and celebrate in the goodness of his life, but I am hurting as well as shocked at how sudden it was.
Beckett was a part of the first group of artists, here in Duval, to embrace me when my radio career began in late 2005, ended December 31, 2007, moved to other entertainment ventures through today! That entire group of wonderful music makers became family to me so the loss this morning was a HUGE BLOW!! There is so much I could say about him in this blog (ALL GOOD THINGS) but I'll just say I'm still laughing at his 'Miss Sophia march' up and down the shore of Guana River State Park on July 10, 2011 JUST to catch that ONE little fish after fishing for hours on that day!
There were NOTHING but good times with this man, all wonderful memories and that's what makes his passing a celebration in my eyes. He was a great father and friend. I celebrate his life, the lives he touched and those he brought together today in light of his passing. I spoke with, DM'd, PM'd, messaged and text with several of the artist family I mentioned above. This would not have happened had it not been for Beckett. He is indeed loved.
I did not leave my apartment today, it rained really hard and I just sat around thinking about those good times THEN it hit me ... MY DAUGHTER AND SON-IN-LOVE ARE VISITING ME FROM VIRGINIA TODAY! The celebration grew as she and I spoke of Beckett and her arrival. It brought me to tears, for the second time today, when I received my #Viewsfromtheroad pictures of Dee and Dre on their way to FLA!!!
Talk about a happy mother ... I am THAT! I miss my baby girl not being here with my son and I but at some point they must leave the nest and grow up! I am just ready for them to get here and have all three of my granddaughters here as well! It's going to be a family weekend and let me NOT forget my #LeoKing! (insert dreamy eyes) Conversations with him on a daily and his reassurances of "WE ARE" today made an already blessed life so much more fulfilling. HE IS THE TRUTH and has given the song an entirely new meaning for me. EVERY SINGLE WORD breathes life into how I feel about him.
I can stop this here because everything is good, all good! So now tell me, how was your day? Have you taken on the challenge to increase your positive energy, work on vibrating higher and feel healthier mentally and emotionally? All of this is achieved by eliminating complaining! If so, how'd it go? If not, what are you waiting on? Talk to me.
Starting Over Day 1 AGAIN - 24 Hours No Complaints
Beautiful Kings and Kweens, greetings! It is good to be among the land of the living one more time to do the work I could not get done yesterday. The stats indicate that you all are reading the blog but just not ready to share your story since there are no comments. I get it, I OVERstand. Not everyone is as vocal as I am ... the life and mind of a Gemini so I will continue to go hard until you do. Now, down to business ... you know why I am here (in Beastmode voice). This challenge to be forever remain happy on a daily basis by keeping positive attitudes and vibrations has been a tough one. Today should be day 21 but, if you have been keeping up, you know I dropped the "BIG C" on day 15 of the first attempt and day 5 of the second attempt. This is the third attempt and I must say, today was a successful day. Did you join the challenge?
Upon awakening this morning I felt groggy and experienced the brain fog that had gone away when I started this challenge. I truly believe it returned because I complained yesterday and allowed the positive vibes I had been working on to decrease. There is nothing in particular about today's events that I could even discuss here aside from the fact that I was blessed to open my two gifts (these eyes), full use of my limbs and in my right mind ... well as right as it can be. You know when you evolve in your thought processes and not going along with the conventional way of thinking you are labeled crazy. Don't buy into that!
There was nothing to complain about at all today. Day 1, starting over for the third time, ended on a successful note. So now I ask again, did you attempt to go 24 hours without complaining today? If so, how'd you do? If not, what are you waiting on? Don't let negativity run your life, it's so much better on the positive side of life!
Day 5 - I FAILED!! 24 Hours No Complaint
So about today, Day 5 ... what started out SO phenomenal changed in the blink of an eye. I have to say I am thoroughly disappointed in myself BUT I have picked myself up and will begin again tomorrow. This morning I woke up feeling awesome and riding the high of the 4 days of no complaining that I had just completed. There was nothing but positive energy resonating through my veins, around my apartment as I sipped my morning coffee and ate my cereal.
I looked up some line dances, did a few for class, read a little bit and chatted with my favorite girl and my Leo King through out the day. Mid-way through the day I received a notice from my PayPal account that sent me to tears with that deep NOTHING BUT GOD cry! A friend of mine that I have been conversing with for about 5 or so years now sent a very nice, unexpected belated birthday gift.
That heightened my day so quickly and I was so sure NOTHING could bring it down. When you put good out there in the universe it comes back to you in a major way when you least expect it but when it's needed most. My daughter and I talked about this wonderful deed and her visit to Florida at the weeks end. All was becoming well in the world and that has been a long time coming. This is why I strive to keep this challenge alive because in just a total of 20 days, including 1 previous start over, I have seen positive results. Things I have said and asked/prayed for have come to fruition right before my very eyes and I KNOW it's the law of attraction. The peace I have felt in these past 20 days has been unbelievable. I can't say enough Positive energy begets positive energy.
So where did I fail my challenge? Without putting too much in this blog just know the VERY SAME THING that caused me to complain and fail on Day 15 is the VERY SAME THING that caused me to fail on Day 5.
Why this thing bothers me so much I don't know but I need to get a handle on it some how, some way. Especially if I am to move on pass my past and see positive forward progress in this "WE ARE". After that incident, everything else is null and void as far as making it into this blog. Yes I have picked up those pieces, apologized for the things I said and made peace with what I did but in my book, that's strike 2 for the same thing. I know I am not going to be able to work this out by myself so I will be having that conversation to solicit some help. There has to be a middle ground to stand.
So tell me, how was your day? Did you attempt to eliminate the complaining and bring nothing but positive energy your way? If so, how'd you do? Let's talk about it.
Day 4 - 24 Hours No Complaints
Great rising Kings and Kweens!! As I sit here sipping my morning coffee, I reminisce on how absolutely phenomenal Day 4 of NO COMPLAINTS was for me! The Most High DID that AND nothing could have changed those vibes!
So before I begin to talk about my wonderful day, I have TWO questions. Are you taking this challenge?
I have heard excuses from the heat won't let me be great, awful co-workers, aggravating children and mates, etc. etc. None of those things, in my opinion, are reasons to complain. As long as there is a/c in your reach the heat is a small factor. I am a bus catcher. I stand in it for minutes at a time. I have a fan, face cloth and water but won't I don't have are COMPLAINTS!! Your co-workers, you chose that job so deal with it and them as positively as possible or find another job. If you do that you aren't guaranteed better co-workers though so weigh your options of the known and unknown. Your children/grandchildren/mate ... some things you can't change so you find a positive way to deal with them when the negative situations arise. Check yourself. In this newly found love that I have, I've had to check myself PLENTY of times. EVERY THING DOES NOT REQUIRE A RESPONSE! It's hard, having been this way most of my life but I see it's not always other people ... some times it's me. YOU may need an attitude adjustment as well.
Anywho, it's not my place to tell anyone how to live their lives complaint free BUT know this, I am most certainly going to keep sharing my happy, non-complaint life.
EVEN when I fall and allow something to take me out of my happy place just for a moment, I will share. We are all human and all we really want is to be happy (MJB voice)! So, on to Day 4. Usually I don't work on Monday's because I teach a line dance aerobics class Monday evenings. I prefer to have my day off to prepare for class. Day 4, I worked and it was actually a good day EVEN THOUGH we only had 2 people working, self included. In all of my years working retail I have come to know that this is the home of the call out. I truly feel people do not take retail jobs seriously ... those folk should find a call center. Just my thoughts but even with only 2 of us running the until the called in associate could get there, it was still a great day. It made those few hours of work fly by. I love busy work, it makes me happy.
As I mentioned above I am a bus rider and I noticed I had spent more time talking after work and I only have 7 minutes to get to my bus. That's a lot of time BUT depending on the mood of the driver it could pull off in 4 or 5 so here I go scurrying across the street to the terminal. It was extremely hot and humid so the sweat started instantaneously! I saw the 19 sitting there and thought to myself what if it pulls off as I am walking up. I would have to wait 30 more minutes for the next one. That was not an option so I looked up and started praying to the Most High. I prayed for that driver to be off the bus, on a phone call or something that would allow me to have more time to get there. Just as I made that prayer the driver walked off the bus eating and stood by the trash can. He saw me coming, it was one of my regular drivers ... he waited. WHEN I TELL Y'ALL I WAS OVER JOYED?? Can't nobody tell me that prayer does NOT work!
So as I am riding home in the cold a/c of the JTA bus I receive a text from my Leo King inquiring his Kween's whereabouts. As we conversed, I rang the bell for my stop and stepped off the bus, unexpectedly my King is there to pick me up. When I tell you that made my ENTIRE day and I knew my day could only go up from here. This man works on the total opposite side of the county from me so seeing him immediately after work is not the norm for us, maybe by 5 or 6 but never at 3. My King rushed his way over to my side of town as we text on my ride home to make sure I saw his face when I walked off the bus. I have been blessed by the best with this one! Believe me!
Time with my King, no matter how long or short, is always awesome. Our conversations are one of a kind. I have never dated anyone who pushes me like he does to be better, to learn more, and to grow in many of my untapped areas. If you are in any type of "ship" (relationship, friendship) and it isn't making you want to do any of the things I mentioned - LEAVE! It is doing you no good, just taking up precious space and time, something that we can't get back.
The King drops me off to line dance class and I have to say WE WERE LIT! When I tell you we had ALL KINDS OF FUN, from the work out portion to the teaching of the line dances. Even the children jumped in and learned the steps. All of the positive energy and vibrations that I took in prior to class was fed to my class attendees and they felt it! I had 3 new ladies attend and they expressed how much they enjoyed the class. They also said they would return, I love those conversations.
After class, the rest of my evening was chill. I read, wrote, searched new line dances and ended it with conversation from my favorite girl, my daughter, who will be here at the weeks end, my King and the Most High. I had to give thanks for how well these past 4 days had been. Dropping that complaint on Day 15 of the original challenge attempt allowed me to see a lot of things differently. This go around I think, no, I KNOW I can make this a lifestyle change. If you've been attempting the challenge, share your story with me in the comments. I would love to hear them and see how they inspire someone else. Positive vibrations feel too good to not be a part of daily life. You know?
Day 3 - 24 Hours No Complaints
Beautiful people, how was your Day 3? My Sunday Fun day was FANDAMNTABULOUS!! It started out a little rocky since I was nursing a hang over from the great fun the night before but that was not a cause for complaining. NO NO NO!! That was a two fold reminder - 1) how much fun I had the night before (Day 2) and 2) NOT TO DO IT AGAIN!!
One of my good friends and I had purchased advanced tickets to see the new movie
Due to the hangover I wasn't feeling it and almost reneged on our date. I needed to get my life ALL the way together. I didn't complain about it tho but just know ...
When I tell y'all I am SO glad I did not cancel because this movie was SO good! We watched these four friends go through almost every emotion a woman could possibly go through in 2 hours time. We were able to relate to each individual character and call out which friend was who in our group. If you haven't seen it ... GO!! After leaving that movie I felt great! We have a girls trip coming up in 2 weeks and I am ready for a #BlackGirlMagicWeekend! KNOW THIS!
Dina ... maaaaannnnnn ... EVERY group of friends has one and Lisa as well. They are needed for balance.
After this, there was nothing left to do but take a horizontal life pause BKA a NAP and to speak with my Leo King, Mfalme wangu. Life as I know it was good at the end of Day 3. So tell me, how was your day? Did you attempt the NO COMPLAINT challenge? If so, tell me about it. If not, why haven't you? I promise you, positive energy attracts positive energy and it will change your life!!!
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