I am a registered gun owner of a Smith and Wesson 9mm Compact Shield. I am extremely pro 2nd Amendment. I believe every man, woman and child of age should know how to handle a firearm. This includes loading a magazine/gun, shooting and cleaning a gun with safety being of utmost importance.

Today, my daughter and I went to the gun range. She is 25 years old and had never picked up a firearm in her life.

Before going, we went over basic gun safety. She was advised to treat every gun as if it is loaded, this will help to prevent any accidents. Do not point the gun anywhere accept the target in which she intends to shoot. If she is not shooting she is to lay it down with the barrel facing the target as well. I showed her the proper way to hold a firearm with both hands locked in place and advised her to ALWAYS keep her finger OFF THE TRIGGER until she is ready to fire her weapon. These basic safety rules and recommendations are intended to assist in preventing accidental or negligent discharge and how to handle firearm malfunctions. The purpose of gun safety is to bring risks of unintentional death, injury or damage caused by improper possession, storage, or handling of firearms to a minimal or eliminated totally.
She was eager and ready to take her first lesson. She did not hesitate to stop and ask questions if needed but overall she did an awesome job. She was much better with her first time shooting than I was. It took me at least three visits to the range to feel comfortable. She shoot 25 rounds with a little less than half making their intended mark. The photo shown is the final target with the five on the left being her final five shots and the ones on the right being mine.

My first day I did not hit ONE intended target area. Apparently I am a much better teacher than I am a shooter but practice makes perfect. She was also shown the proper way to dismantle a firearm, clean it and put reassemble it again.

This may have been her first visit to the gun range but it will definitely not be her last. I encourage every parent to learn how to use a firearm, if you do not know already, and then pass that information on to your children. Properly trained children are less likely to have accidents.
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