The name STORM describes my chaotic and unpredictable nature. My GEMINI mind is ALWAYS running. Here you will find the twists, turns & adversities of my life including weight loss/fitness, natural hair care, my son's incarceration, firearm instruction and simply moving along my Journey to 50. May 2019 I obtained my B.S. in Converged Communications and now I am learning to love again. This will be interesting and to it all I say BRING IT!
Lets Be Present in a positive way POC
For the past 15 years I have lived in the largest city in the continental United States. It is home to the Friendship Fountain, Riverside Memorial Park, Riverside Arts Market and Hemming Plaza just to name a few of the great outdoor spots where I love to spend time. The city where "The Blues" was first, officially, performed and the bands Limp Bizkit, The Allman Brothers, and Lynyrd Skynyrd were all formed. The city where “The Creature From The Black Lagoon” was shot and was known as Hollywood before there was a Hollywood. In fact, it was known in the 1910's as “The Winter Film Capital of the World.” The city where The Beatles refused to play their scheduled concert, in 1964, until the audience was desegregated. Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald, Cab Calloway, and other jazz legends performed at one of the longest running theaters in its early days and Ray Charles played there for a year as a teenager in this city where I live. This city hosts one of the largest tailgate parties for the annual college football rivalry game between the University of Florida Gators and the University of Georgia Bulldogs and is one of 32 cities, in a country with over 20,000 cities, to have a professional football team. This is just a few, very few things, this city is known for; some of which I knew nothing about until I decided to write this blog. I am in awe at the amount of talent that has come out of this city and all of the great things that have happened here. Sadly to say, none of this even matters nowadays because of all of the senseless violence taking place. What the city has become known for more than anything is its high level of crime. I can honestly say I have seen the city go down in the years that I have been here and it does not seem to be getting any better. What city is this? Jacksonville, Florida ... Duval County y'all!
What prompted this blog was an article I read today on one of the local news sites. It was about the shooting on MLK day at The Landing, an entertainment complex located in downtown Jacksonville. I learned a long time ago not to read the comments on any news stories about black people, especially when it comes to incidents of this nature because the true face of Jacksonville shows up. The face that goes so well with whom the city was named after, Andrew Jackson. Jackson, the seventh president and face of the $20 bill, may have been the most racist president of all according to several articles read prior to writing this blog. With this in mind, the true feeling of this city goes right along with its namesake ... racist! But back to the story of the 16 year-old black male teen who was shot and killed as the result of a random shooting. I say random because the article said according to what a witness who was inside the Landing posted to Facebook that a shooter pulled out a gun and "opened fire on us" with five to 10 rounds. Doesn't sound like the shooter had anyone in mind but just began shooting. When I finished reading the article I did what I said I would never do again ... I read the damn comments and needless to say the racists were doing what they do best - BEING RACIST!
Some of the comments blamed the mother of the slain teen for his death, calling her a piss poor parent and saying things like had she raised him better he might not be laying cold with a toe tag. HOW FUCKIN' INSENSITIVE!! Excuse my language but these comments really had me perplexed! It amazes me that every time a black child gets in trouble the parent is blamed when it fact they are NOT to blame at all most times. It should not be assumed that the parent is a poor parent especially if you don't know the family personally. As parents, of any and all races, we know that no matter how well we train, teach and raise our children some times they do what they want to do instead of what they have been taught to do. This should not always be a direct reflection on the parent. I see very minimal of this parent bashing IF ANY when a crime involves children of other races but black people, you are guaranteed to get it. What makes these people commenting think it's okay to speak this way of people they don't know is beyond me but I have learned not to put anything past these type of people. It is such a shame how racially motivated and divided these comments were. While some were sending condolences to the family others were talking about how they wish these "thugs" would go ahead and kill each other off so the city could be rid of them. Although I don't argue with them ridding themselves, that includes ALL races, if that would make the world a better place, innocent people would no doubt be caught in that crossfire so I don't wish to see that happen either. These racist people and their comments really sickened me to my very core. For goodness sake, a life has been taken and a mother is grieving, can she not do that without her character and parenting skills being attacked?
What this city needs now is to come together, especially the black community. The comments of the cities white residents shows most wish nothing more than to see us kill each other off or "go back to Africa" and that is an entirely different blog in itself. The black community has been praying for years and still praying but it has not gotten any better. I say continue to pray BUT know that it is now time for some action. Support black owned businesses for black economic growth. Get together for mentoring, teaching, and assisting families in the areas most needed. The black divide was created and designed back in the slavery days, from the emasculation of our black men, raping of our women and children to dividing the family through purchase or death. This mindset still has one hell of a grip on our communities today. It does not have to stay that way. Right now, I pray for peace and strength for this young man and all others who were victims of senseless violence as well as their families. I pray for this city and most definitely these cold-heart racist that reside in and around the city. Just like the violence, the city could use less of you too. Come together, right now, over WE!!
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