The name STORM describes my chaotic and unpredictable nature. My GEMINI mind is ALWAYS running. Here you will find the twists, turns & adversities of my life including weight loss/fitness, natural hair care, my son's incarceration, firearm instruction and simply moving along my Journey to 50. May 2019 I obtained my B.S. in Converged Communications and now I am learning to love again. This will be interesting and to it all I say BRING IT!
After the Love has Blown
Let me tell you the story of three leaves. Today, my friend Alisha and I were leaving Metro Diner and headed to Gate gas station to get my coffee. It was after we left Gate that we noticed a leaf in the middle of the windshield. (Side note ... Gate coffee is liquid crack) It was raining and windy this morning so that is probably how the leaf got there. We laughingly began to joke about how he, yes we made it a male, was holding on for his life. There was a part of him, upper left side, that was not stuck to the windshield ... we guess it was an arm waving for help. Alisha, not missing a beat, noticed a smaller yet frailer leaf on the lower passenger side of the windshield and immediately made her the lover of the first leaf. We shall call her baby girl and she, unlike her lover, was totally stuck flat to the windshield with a small section missing from the upper left corner. Hmmmm ... this is the same area that is waving on the male leaf. Anyway, back to her, she's already been damaged and about to be hurt again.
So now, as you can see, we are having a full fledged conversation about the "couple" on the front windshield. Alisha begins to go on about how he wasn't shit because he was going to leave her. In her words, "He is about to dip on you girl, look at him (points to aforementioned upper left corner that was waving) he's not even fully attached but you are hanging on for dear life trying to get to him." They continued holding on until the wind and rain blew a little harder. Who do you think flew away first? As Alisha had eluded to earlier, HE DID!
Just like that, he was gone leaving behind only three small drops of water that disappeared in a matter of seconds but baby girl was still there, holding strong as us women often do. It was only a matter of minutes before she too was gone, leaving behind three tracks of her tears. As we conversed about these two love leafs and laughed at ourselves for entertaining this situation Alisha, again, noticed a bigger leaf on the back window. We shall name him the buff dude because of his size. She immediately associated him with being the one who was trying to get to baby girl. We felt he had so much more to offer her than her original object of desire but she paid him no attention. The question we had then was did baby girl even know he was there. Buff dude was on that back window holding on for dear life not knowing that baby girl had already let go. We watched him struggle for a few before we finally did what compassionate people do ... cut the back windshield on and released him of his muthafuhkan misery.
This all came about after my liquid crack and our complimentary breakfast pizza from Metro Diner. WHAT THE HELL DID THEY PUT ON IT? (bursts into laughter)/p>
Hope you enjoyed this nonsense as much as we did and know that it was brought to you by whatever the hell Metro Diner puts on that breakfast pizza and the liquid crack I ingested better known as Gate coffee. This was one of several confirmations for us that today was going to be a good day and indeed it was!
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