The name STORM describes my chaotic and unpredictable nature. My GEMINI mind is ALWAYS running. Here you will find the twists, turns & adversities of my life including weight loss/fitness, natural hair care, my son's incarceration, firearm instruction and simply moving along my Journey to 50. May 2019 I obtained my B.S. in Converged Communications and now I am learning to love again. This will be interesting and to it all I say BRING IT!
Racism Ruins Lives!
My blog today was supposed to be upbeat and comical about men, fitting rooms and their touching of the mirrors. I work in retail and this is a common thing for some reason. I had it all planned out on how I was going to put the story together and as I was typing a story came across the television that upset my spirit so bad I had to switch gears. Race relations in this country right now are already heightened thanks to the last presidential election. I am 46 years of age and in those 46 years I can not recall ever experiencing blatant racism or hearing about others around me experiencing it either ... that is until Trump made it okay for those with hate in their hearts to surface and show it. An even uglier turn to this, it has brought it out of my race as well, even more than before and this news story showed just that.
I am SO beyond disturbed at the four black suspects in Chicago that kidnapped the mentally challenged white teen and tortured him. The racist remarks being spewed at him as he cowered in the corner was disheartening. No one should have to endure such treatment in this day and age. I know that I will hear how our ancestors had to endure similar treatment back in the day but for once lets not go there. I hurt just like all of my people do at the thought of the inhumane treatment our ancestors received at the hand of the white man and some still do to this very day but that does not make it right for things of this nature to happen.
If these four suspects were that big and bad why did they pick on someone that could not defend himself? That shows the kind of cowards they are. I am beginning to think they are actually mentally challenged as well since they felt it was okay to stream the act live on social media. They definitely are not the brightest lights on the tree! Before anyone asks, of course I remember the many hate crimes by whites against blacks before and after the election results announcing Trump had won but two wrongs do not make anything right. I have grandchildren that have to grow up in these times and I am fearful for them. This incident will spark more violence between the races as if we needed any more and we all know blacks will get the shortest end of the judicial stick when it comes time to sentencing. They do not care about us so we have to be smarter in what we do. I hope those four are being dealt with behind bars! You have to be a truly horrible person to do such a thing to someone who is mentally challenged, regardless of color.
I am ending this blog on a short note tonight. I really thought my people had more sense but day by day we are showing the world that we are who the stereotypes say we are. At what point will be come together and take care of us ... just do us, supporting our own communities and businesses but THAT in itself is an entirely different blog so I will end on this note ...
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