For some years now, I have been focused on life which included work and family then the recent addition of school to finally complete my Bachelors in Communications. Looking, but not looking, for companionship but in walks ... him! I can't and won't say he came right on time because who knows when the time is right but it damn sure felt like the right time! Have you found yourself saying this or something similar? Oh ...

You have never thought Mr. Right had rolled in and about to take your single status up a notch? Well I did and the two times I made moves to leave team single, in 2016 and 2017 (only 15 damn days in), did not end well. These were men I have known for a minimum of five years and we had done very well in that arena. Because the friendship routine was cool I truly felt crossing the friendship line in pursuit of happiness would not be a bad idea. I keep nothing but great men around me, in my opinion, so who ever I chose within my friendship circle should be a pretty dope asset to my life and what we do in our lives.

Needless to say, I am still single and will probably remain that way for awhile.The 2016 break up has left a void in what was once a friendship. It is actually the first time that I can say I have an ex that I am not on great terms with. I feel you should still be able to remain cordial, friends even, depending on how the break up happened and our break up was not that bad in my opinion.
These situations make me wonder if my stepping forward first is the reason neither went well. The 2017 situation, I will admit, by neglecting to ask very important questions I ended up wide open in my feelings and in a situation I never want to be in ever again ... and won't! I can't even be mad at how it went down though because communication afterwards were on point and its even a place I would revisit once the smoke clears.
The point of this blog is in the pursuit of happiness should a woman not speak up about crossing lines in a friendship? Should the man lead the way instead EVEN if the conversations seem to point in that direction? I am usually the aggressor, I am Alpha Fe to my core but I am not one usually to initiate a relationship. Makes me think if my getting older in age is to blame for this change. ANY WHO ... feel free to comment if you can relate and share your story if you have one. I would love to know I am not alone and if you feel you have an answer to my questions.
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