THE REINVENTION OF MS CHANEL IN 2012: Body by VI 90 Day Challenge

January 12th I started the BODY BY VI 90 Day Challenge. As of today, I have been on 11 full days and I am proud to say I am down 1 pant size!! I still have a way to go but WOO HOO!! Before I began I weight in at 195 lbs and my waist line 37" and this is what I looked like:

Those love handle HAVE to go!! So at 7 full days in (a shake for breakfast and dinner, 2 light snacks and sensible, healthy lunch and walking 3 times weekly) I have come 1 full pant size and the love handle turned into a love "handle-lette"! *dies laughing*

...see the handles have gone down slightly? *proud Vi user*

I have not weighed myself because muscle mass can weigh you down and I will not do measurements again until 30 days but I wanted to share my store for those who don't think that the Vi Challenge works or is for you.

Join me on the BODY BY VI 90 DAY CHALLENGE why don't you?? If you want more info check out the link ~~~> and if you have questions by all means contact me. If you decide to take the challenge by all means click the challenge link under the above link and JOIN ME!

I will be updating again soon!

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