The name STORM describes my chaotic and unpredictable nature. My GEMINI mind is ALWAYS running. Here you will find the twists, turns & adversities of my life including weight loss/fitness, natural hair care, my son's incarceration, firearm instruction and simply moving along my Journey to 50. May 2019 I obtained my B.S. in Converged Communications and now I am learning to love again. This will be interesting and to it all I say BRING IT!
Mother of an incarcerated son: D.R. (Disciplinary Report)
As stated in a previous blog (Psalms 91) my son has been relocated to another prison due to what he labeled an inmate uprising but of course the prison system calls it a riot. This would be riot #2 that has caused my son to be relocated. Needless to say after the initial letter advising of the relocation there wasn't any more correspondence for over a week. Anyone who knows me knows that when I don't hear from my son for over a week I get a little beside myself.
**MOVING FORWARD: I received another letter advising that a D.R. (disciplinary report) hearing had taken place for the inmates that the prison says took part in the "uprising" and they were given 60 days "in the box" also known as solitary confinement and loss of gain time. Gain time is the time they receive for good behavior, I believe it's 5 days per month that gets taken off of their original sentence that will allow them to come home earlier than expected. Unfortunately, this was not an unusual occurrence because my son has been in trouble before BUT what was unusual and set off the "MAMA" alarm was the fact he asked me to call Tallahassee. He said the accounts of the "uprising" were not accurately given by the guards and he was looking at some serious consequences to possibly include close management as a result. This caused an internal uprising of my own!
I called Tallahassee for the Secretary of Appeals office (Kenneth Tucker contact) whose office passed me over to the Head of Classification at which point I was told to call Madison CI and speak to my son's Classification Officer (C.O.) and I did. I spoke with Dante's C.O., Ms. Tompkins and gave her the scoop. What my son explained in his letter was the same thing his C.O. explained - D.R.'s are generalized. The same report description is given for ALL inmates that take part in any incident and the guards just change the name and inmate number. So in other words the typed report is the same report for everyone, not an actual account of each inmates actions...
...which in my opinion is WRONG but who am I? Just the mother of an incarcerated son....moving along. I explained to Ms. Tompkins that my son said there were orders being given by more than one guard, one yelled get on the floor and another yelled get in your bunks. When one inmate attempted to get up he was wrestled to the ground with his face hitting the hard floor and handcuffed. The report also says my son got up and put his tennis shoes on when he indeed was shipped out AS IS in prison slides. Ms. Tompkins patiently and politely explained what my son needed to do to appeal. These things I'd never been a part of so it was a very different conversation for me. I learned something new today...the prison system grievance process. She made my troubled, wondering, anxious mind calm completely down. I so appreciate her for that and thanked her before ending the conversation.
Everything she advised me to tell me son I put in a letter and mailed to him immediately and to make his trouble mind and heart ease up a little I sent him some gifts...ones that he will LOVE AND CHERISH more than anything.
Thank you all again for your prayers. God bless
THE REINVENTION OF MS CHANEL IN 2012: Body by VI 90 Day Challenge: 34 Days In
34 days in to my 90 Day BODY BY VI challenge and I weighed in at 186lbs! When I started my challenge I was weighing 198lbs! I feel more energetic, the sense of urgency in working out and making healthier lifestyle choices when it comes to eating and taking care of my body. I am really not interested at all in what the scale says to be honest. I am more interested in how my clothing fits, the size of my clothing and how I feel. I know muscle mass adds weight so there is that small "poundage" that belongs to my muscles.
Body By Vi accompanied by a healthier diet and exercise will get you where you need and want to be when it comes to weight loss and feeling better. Join me why dontcha?
"What is Body By Vi? Listen to the 3 min Vi-info-line @ 507-726-4054". If you decide to join the challenge please join under the link provided. Join me on the BODY BY VI 90 DAY CHALLENGE!! http://chanelvtillman.myvi.net/challenge
Mother of an incarcerated son: Psalms 91 - Prayer for Protection
I look at situations from so many different angles, sometimes I confuse myself in doing so. I was raised to look at ALL situations and find the positive in them, there is ALWAYS a positive in EVERY negative situation...ALWAYS!
I came home from work today to find a letter from my son. I love getting them but as always the very first thing I look at is the address to see if he has moved and just as sure as my name is what it is he had been moved. *sigh*
My heart immediately dropped out of my chest, tears began to form and my mind began to race. What if where he goes it's worse than where he was? What if, as a result of why he was moved, the guards in the new facility treat him badly? What if his cell mate doesn't like him and does everything in his power to harm him or have him harmed? My son is no punk by far and sometimes that is what scares me the most. He is not backing down or up for anyone or anything. These are the things that goes through the minds of mother's of incarcerated children.
It's times like these that I almost hate being a mother and wish I were a father instead. It seems SO easy for men to just let go when children, especially boys, don't act right. I've had so many men tell me things that I, as a mother, as a woman, as the nurturer GOD created me to be could not fathom doing towards my son. I resented a lot of the men in my life for some of the "advice" but see now, those things weren't said to hurt me, my feelings or my relationship with me son but to wake me up and my son as well. No matter how much I hurt, cry, feel any kind of way about this situation the outcome will remain the same so why stress and depress myself when it does no good? Well...why you ask? Because I am a mother and that is what we do but I am praying to do better.
The move was prompted by a "prison uprising" by inmates due to what they felt was unfair treatment in the facility. The facility is supposedly not feeding the inmates properly and according to the law, depriving those who could afford canteen of that privilege as well as recreation. I have never been incarcerated so I can't feel one way or another about those allegations but I will say it hurts to read these letters referencing unfair treatment. I know they are incarcerated and certain "luxuries" they will not be allowed to have but if the prison offers these said "luxuries" then why not provide them to those that deserve? *shrugs* I am just a mother who loves her troubled, incarcerated son so what do I know?
At this point I have to continue praying for protection and sanity for my son and for myself for I know when ever you move closer to GOD and HE has a greater purpose and plan for your life than this world could imagine the devil and his minions move in to destroy...NOT ON MY WATCH! As the tears roll down my face I know that we are covered and I seek all comfort and refuge in my Father and will constantly remind my son to do the same.
Psalms 91:2 I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
Anyone wanting to write my son or send a few words of encouragement here's the address:
Dante' Vann #J34342 Y1108
Madison Correctional Institution
382 S.W. MCI Way
Madison, FL 32340
THE REINVENTION OF MS CHANEL IN 2012: Body by VI 90 Day Challenge: Healthy Living Journey update
My healthy living journey started Jan 12th (1st pic in coral top) and now today not even a month in (2nd pic taken today) I can see a significant difference! Body By Vi shakes, eating healthier, drinking more water and walking/exercising at LEAST 3-4 times a week (no gym) have made a significant difference! I can't wait to see the results at the end of my 90 day challenge if a little more than 3 weeks in has me looking like this!
Join me on the 90 day CHALLENGE why dontcha?? http://chanelvtillman.m/yvi.net/challenge
As for does it work?? Of course it does...look at me! You can also call in to find out "What is Body By Vi?" Listen to the 3 min Vi-info-line @ 507-726-4054. Email me with any questions please! Join my team! TEAM FIT!
Email: dahostess1057@gmail.com
THE REINVENTION OF MS CHANEL IN 2012: Body by VI 90 Day Challenge: Keep on Pushing
Today while walking the bridges *my new besties - Main St and Acosta Bridges* I felt like quitting. After my 1st go around and tinkle break, as I reached the foot of the Acosta Bridge, almost everything in me wanted to turn around and go back home. I noticed my pace had slowed down and my momentum was slowly dying with it. I didn't know where this feeling was coming from all of a sudden because I'd been the Forrest Gump of walking but today was just not my day for some reason.
Standing at the foot of the Acosta, looking up to start my 2nd trip, I began to slowly walk. I posted my 2nd lap notification on FourSquare and looked back, thinking I was going to just go home but 2 runners that I had passed on the Main St Bridge a few moments earlier ran by. I don't know if they could see the defeat on my face but one high 5'd me, smiled and said YOU GO GIRL and the other gave me a thumbs up and a smile. When I tell you THAT rejuvenated my walk to NO end and I began to take those last 2 laps by storm. These are my new friends...
Those 2 runners reminded me that I was not in this alone and that we have to encourage one another at ALL times. You never know what the next person is going through and/or what is going through their minds at that VERY moment and a simple hello or smile can make a WORLD of difference. I know it did for me!
So with that I encourage ALL of you to take a healthier stand in your life. No one can do it for you, you have to make that choice and stick to it. You do not have to join a gym, spending money you probably really don't have and live in it 24/7, simply walk 30 minutes 3-4 times weekly. I promise that small step will lead to bigger ones and before you know it you'll be on your way to a healthier lifestyle.
You don't have to do weight loss gimmicks just eat better. Instead of 3 meals, eat 6 small meals. Watch your sugar in-take and eat more vegetables. Eat more chicken, turkey and seafood and decrease your red meat...not stop but decrease and drink LOTS AND LOTS of water!! That is VERY important!! It doesn't take a LOT but if you are like me and need a push in the dietary direction by all means implement a meal replacement plan.
I use Body By ViSalus meal replacements and have THOROUGHLY enjoyed the results. I have been using Body By Vi since January 12th and I've gone down 1 pant size. I am sure I've lost inches and pounds because of how my clothes fit but there will be no weigh in or measuring until my 1st full month and I will share those results! Rather you use ViSalus or another form of meal replacement you should definitely consider putting your health top on your list!
For those of you who want to know more join me on the BODY BY VI 90 DAY CHALLENGE why dontcha?? http://chanelvtillman.myvi.net/challenge
THE REINVENTION OF MS CHANEL IN 2012: Body by VI 90 Day Challenge - The Bridges
I have been walking on a regular basis, even more since starting the BODY BY VI 90 Day Challenge. I've seen results but feel like I should be doing more so on 01/31/2012 I began walking a new walk...the 2 bridges; Main St Bridge
(he almost ran me over on that thing - LOL) and the Acosta Bridge
This has been a VERY exciting added challenge to my already existing challenge but one I will conquer nonetheless!! I still have a LONG way to go and will weigh/measure and give those results to you at the end of my first month but there is DEFINITELY progress being made! *check the other blog for previous pix*
The waist line is trimmer, the "rolls" are NOW "little biscuits" and I have MORE energy than I've had in almost 15 years! I don't know about you but feeling healthy, looking good is a GREAT thing in my book and turning 42 years old in June makes it even the more important! It does NOT take a lot by way of exercise. You can walk for 30 minutes at a swift pace 3-4 times weekly and make a difference.
For me, on top of that, I must have my healthy Body By Vi shakes for breakfast and dinner. Meal replacements help and at my age I need all the nutrients to keep my body nourished without all the time it takes to prepare a full meal. Join me on the BODY BY VI 90 DAY CHALLENGE why dontcha?!?! http://chanelvtillman.myvi.net/challenge
Contact info: dahostess1057@gmail.com
(he almost ran me over on that thing - LOL) and the Acosta Bridge
This has been a VERY exciting added challenge to my already existing challenge but one I will conquer nonetheless!! I still have a LONG way to go and will weigh/measure and give those results to you at the end of my first month but there is DEFINITELY progress being made! *check the other blog for previous pix*
The waist line is trimmer, the "rolls" are NOW "little biscuits" and I have MORE energy than I've had in almost 15 years! I don't know about you but feeling healthy, looking good is a GREAT thing in my book and turning 42 years old in June makes it even the more important! It does NOT take a lot by way of exercise. You can walk for 30 minutes at a swift pace 3-4 times weekly and make a difference.
For me, on top of that, I must have my healthy Body By Vi shakes for breakfast and dinner. Meal replacements help and at my age I need all the nutrients to keep my body nourished without all the time it takes to prepare a full meal. Join me on the BODY BY VI 90 DAY CHALLENGE why dontcha?!?! http://chanelvtillman.myvi.net/challenge
Contact info: dahostess1057@gmail.com
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My Ancestral Visit
Today started out incredibly rough. I knew upon awakening that I wanted this day to be over expeditiously. My chest was heavy and my head be...

June 1 2014 was the day my son walked out of Baker County Correctional Institution as a free man. He had been gone since November 2009, I re...
These last 90 days have been nothing short of tiresome! There were certainly days that I wanted to give up and not look back but that has NE...
I received a letter from my son (11/30/2011) and as I read this letter repeatedly attempting to wrap my mind around all the things he has sa...