The GLOW Up heading to 50

As I sit here sippin' this created with muscadines Vintners White wine (IT IS THE BOMB) for this Chapter 49 of my life that I just entered I am reflecting on how awesome my 40's have been!

This is the last year of my 40's! Time has truly flown and goals have been met. During this decade I have lost weight (50 lbs in 2012, maintaining keeping at least 30 lbs off),returned to my natural roots and graduated with my Bachelors of Science in Communications. During this decade, I have prepared myself for the next. The moves made will set me up for great things. Let me show you two.

Along with successfully completing the three above mentioned goals, I also became a line dance aerobics instructor AND a certified NRA Pistol instructor. So, not only am I able to dance you fit, I can also train you on the proper way to use a firearm and get you certified to obtain your conceal carry permit. Entrepreneurship is the next goal. When you are doing what you love you are never working is how I see it.

This 40's reflection also caused me to look at my physical self. Going into my 50's, I need to work a little harder on my physical activity. Although, weight wise, I am still in the same range give or take 5-10 lbs (that is actually a lot to me) I could do better in my eating and workout habits. I use to be a QUEEN OF THE BRIDGES but knee issues have slowed that down. I must persevere and work through this. The next pictures show b-earthday's from ages 40-48. I have to say my favorite year was 2014! 44 was my YEAR! Life, health and body were awesome. I was also celibate and learning to love me more. *whispers to self* Maybe we should go back to that life!

The above pictures keep me straight every year. I look at each year that passes through the pictures taken on my birthday. I am missing something this year because I haven't gotten back on it like I should. I have fallen off the vegan wagon HARD. No I don't eat red meat or pork but I dabble in seafood and poultry. I will eat an egg white or 2 for breakfast with a side of turkey bacon or sausage. I still won't drink cow's milk or do any dairy either, they nauseate me. I found that out the hard way with a milkshake so I am good there. For the most part I still eat pretty healthy but I need to make changes. Here is Chapter 49's picture. The dress is big and it flows but my arms and legs say a LOT!

At 49 I'm not bad but could be a lot better! The GLOW UP is still real as I count down the days to 50! My goals for this last year of my 40's is to 1.) get a job that aligns with my educational background, 2.) work on making entrepreneurship a full time lifestyle and 3.) more traveling! That is a lot for 365 days but I am sure it can be done! WATCH ME WORK! It is written so it shall be done. The universe and I are going to make it happen! Come back and watch the progress.

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