The Kept away from Flesh and Blood blog took a LOT to write, all 3 parts. That is a fact I will not and can not lie or sugar coat. I had to consider how EVERYONE involved, my son and Mi'Jael's mother, would feel when hearing about and reading my blog but one thing I pride myself on is my ability to communicate. I have ALWAYS been one to want to talk about things after thinking MOST things over (doesn't always work out that way though). When I realized talking to Mi'Jael's mother about the situation wasn't working my last resort was my blog. I knew immediately once ANY one person got a hold of it who knew all parties involved, those said persons would SURELY tell it and they did!! The reaction to the first blog was as expected and showed me what I was TRULY up against, that's what took me so long to complete parts 2 and 3. It caused me to clear out my friends list on Facebook and made me more mindful of my surroundings. My blogs are not written to offend, belittle or berate anyone, they are simply my form of release.
After the 3rd blog was completed I was done with the situation and had given it all to GOD! I knew there was nothing on this earth that could change this situation that had been created. Once I released it, I felt like a new person! All of my cares and worries were gone. I knew GOD had it all under control!! I never thought my son's father (Pa-Pa) would be a part of the glue to stick the situation together though and neither did he I am sure. PaPa called to inform me that he was getting gifts for the girls so I had to make sure Mi'Jael would get hers. My daughter told me she had been "voxing" with Mi'Jael's mom and I asked her to please let her know I needed to get with her about the gift. I lit up inside when I received the text asking if I wanted her to contact me! *all smiles* There was a break-through. I told her about PaPa and asked her for sizes as I was going to get my baby some gifts as well. That 1 text led to more text, some with pictures and I couldn't do anything but praise and thank GOD for this because once again, there was NOTHING on this earth that could change this. Even if there was a plot on earth to make this happen for negative reasons, what the devil meant for bad MY GOD MEANT FOR GOOD! Oh what a happy nana I was becoming.
So one day I threw it out there, how I wished she would consider letting Mi'Jael visit with us on Christmas day to see her father. He had told me she said Mi'Jael would NEVER be around his family again and would only see him if she brought him. That was SO disheartening to me when I was advised of such. I cried for days but I knew those tears, though I was hurting, would not change a thing...ONLY GOD!! I held my breath as I awaited for the response. For just that one minute between text I felt as if all that I had done to release this situation was going to fall back on me. I was not going to let the devil win...he just couldn't so I braced myself for the answer I expected. I've since learned to EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED as the text response came back and she said that was fine! *tears tears and more tears* I know she was tired of me asking every 2-3 days is Mi'Jael still able to go as I just knew at first that it was a bad joke and that's why I didn't tell my son ahead of time. I didn't want him to get excited and then be disappointed so back in prayer I went because all those negative feelings were NOT a part of my Father's plan or doing. My Father told me to leave that alone, "I GOT THIS" and I did just that. Christmas day came and so did Miss Mi'Jael!
So now let me clear the air, I have NO hate for Misty, Mi'Jael's mother. I love her as if she was one of my own but there are things I just can not or will not tolerate which is what drove us to the division. I truly believe Misty is a wonderful young lady but she has so much negativity surrounding her that it's hard to discern who is real, what is real and the right and wrong way to do some things. Misty needs to know I TRULY appreciate her for the BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT EVER and that GOD is truly going to bless her as a result of us being able to come together and make it happen. Will she remain a part of our lives, I pray so but we are taking it all one day at a time sweet JESUS!! I look forward to the day Misty and I can sit down, air out our grievances and move along in life like EVERYTHING was fine from the beginning. I have given that to GOD also and KNOW it will be so because GOD WORKS IT OUT BEFORE WE KNOW THERE'S A PROBLEM.

The name STORM describes my chaotic and unpredictable nature. My GEMINI mind is ALWAYS running. Here you will find the twists, turns & adversities of my life including weight loss/fitness, natural hair care, my son's incarceration, firearm instruction and simply moving along my Journey to 50. May 2019 I obtained my B.S. in Converged Communications and now I am learning to love again. This will be interesting and to it all I say BRING IT!
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