If I was going to see my son I WAS GUARANTEED to see my grand-daughter for that weekend! I didn't have any problems there! It was like all she wanted was for my grand-baby to visit my son so she could be seen in pictures with him. That was ALWAYS the #1 question asked when picking her up: y'all taking pictures? *side eyes* Come on nah, EVERYONE knows when I visit my son taking pictures is a MUST! I love well documented visits. Besides, I look for any signs of abuse on my son so I can report it! Some C.O.'s aren't the greatest folk in the world (thank GOD my son isn't in an Alabama prison - R.I.P. Rocrast Mack) ANYWAY...why ask a question to which you already know the answer? Just my thought...moving on.
*REWIND* I get a call one day expressing how much she just can't do this anymore by herself; raising a baby is a lot of work and I couldn't agree more! I told her I would help her. Now anyone who knows me or has read my prior blogs, know I lost quite a bit of myself during my son's legal troubles (still in search mode now). I don't have much but was willing to re-arrange my life to assist in raising my grand-daughter, to make sure she has what she needs for stability, to be successful and grow up in a happy, consistent environment. There were times when I offered to catch the bus downtown to get my grand-daughter since she stays not too far from there. I asked her to meet me at the main terminal as a convenience to her...no response. I made several suggestions to assist in making things easier for her, to include recommending she go back to school and put my grand-baby in daycare, she can get a voucher for that to taking temporary custody. That would, in turn, make things difficult for me BUT the sacrifices we make to assure our family, MY LEGACY, will have what's needed are sacrifices that just have to be taken! Again...NOTHING!
*FAST FORWARD* Visits with my son had been going really well with the addition of Miss Mi'Jael. Sunday, May 22ND, it was all LOVE at first sight for those two, so I was told. This was her very first visit to see her father. Her response to him showed that her mother had at least been showing her pictures of him and possibly talking about him to her. I had stepped away to buy picture tickets and snacks when he came out and he had NO idea Mi'Jael was coming. She was under the table so all he saw when he came out was his sister Deondrea, Miss Daysha and Ashlee, Daysha's mother. They said as soon as she peeped from under the table and saw his face she yelled DADDY!!! *tears* His facial expression was PRICELESS when I arrived back to the table. His first reaction (after my kiss and hug) was HOW DID YOU DO THIS MAMA??? THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS! **PROUD MAMA MOMENT**
Just look at the joy in her face! It was like HEY, THIS IS MY DADDY RIGHT HERE!!! My heart went out to my son that day because for the 1st time he had both of his girls and that meant a lot to him! The 2ND visit, June 25TH was even greater although their faces don't reflect that! *laughs*
Look at the heads on those 2 (Mi'Jael and my son)...something crucial I tell ya!! *laughs* These are the visits he looked so forward too!! July...
And then September...OH SEPTEMBER...that month I'll always remember as it was the LAST time my son or I would be allowed to see my grand-daughter!!
Look at her face from the September visit and compare to the previous pictures. She is only 1 year old but looks as if she is carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders! We didn't have a lot of interaction with her in our lives, thanks to her mother, but the times we did she was a happy little lady, once she was used to us.
Look at that gorgeous smile! GOD knows he blessed my son, our family, with some awesome little ladies and knowing that I can not even see her anymore is a feeling I can not even describe! So what prompted this "family abduction"? *sigh* The last visit, the very sad faced visit, Mi'Jael was not herself...not at all! When we visit my son she is ALL OVER HIM!! His sister nor I can hug him, Daysha gets some time but not much IF Mi'Jael can help it. If he has to use the restroom she cries until she sees his face again, if he gets up to go to the canteen window or outside she HAS to go, etc. etc. You get the point I am sure and today she was not doing that. She was very clingy but to me only which was EXCEPTIONALLY odd!
An inmate and his family came over for their pictures, we always sit near the corner where the pictures are taken. She was sitting in my son's lap at the time playing with his badge, as always, but when she saw this inmate she began to scream, cry and cling to her father. She was leaning in the opposite direction of this young man as if trying to get away from him. I had never seen him in there before and don't recall what my son said about him IF anything. She was constantly crying, to the point other visitors, inmates and officers were staring and asking was she OK. My son had to get up and walk around with her, that was the only way to keep her quiet. As long as we sat near that corner she screamed, climbed our shoulders and just acted as if she was running from someone. I then took over because I did not want anyone thinking my son was doing anything to her. I left my daughter, Miss Daysha and my son at the table as I walked around with Mi'Jael. She whimpered as she lay on my shoulder, I just wanted to know what was wrong. She cried so much that she fell asleep and we were are all glad because it stopped people from staring but every time I sat down she would start up again IN HER SLEEP! She exhibited some VERY strange behavior in her sleep and it brought tears to my eyes, my daughters eyes and to my son. I saw anger in my sons eyes like never before so we had to talk about a few things because I needed him to calm down. I did not need him returning to his dorm in that same frame of mind. It would not be good for him at all.
For the remainder of the visit he couldn't even hold her because she was so up in arms about something...IN HER SLEEP!! ALL of the actions were done during her sleep! I wish I knew what had her so up in arms, I really do. If only she could talk. Before we left the visit, he and I talked once again about the situation, shared our thoughts and I advised I would talk to her mother...which I did. I expressed to her exactly what happened (some details I choose not to put in the blog) and advised her to have it looked into or taken care of. For the next 2 days she and I corresponded positively, she seemed a bit offended but that was never my intent. My concern was and always will be the safety and well being of my grand-daughter so if I offended, again, it is never intended. If you feel I am over stepping my boundaries, that is not intended either but what is intended is the fire lit to see some action being taken on behalf of my grand-daughter's health (mental, physical and emotional) in a timely fashion.
After those 2 days, it was a wrap! We were fine then all of a sudden NOTHING! This led me to believe someone or ones had gotten up in her head and changed her mind about any and everything regarding our relationship with my grand-baby. I was removed and blocked as a friend on Facebook with phone calls and text ignored. I attempted to contact her for a week straight via messages sent to mutual friends on Facebook with NO RESPONSE! *sigh* So this is the BIG one! You've successfully taken her away with no regard to our family feelings, her fathers feelings or Mi'Jael's feelings. So I write my son to advise him of what has transpired, he writes back and tells me to pray about it because that is what he is doing. She had written him and told him, long story made short, we wouldn't be seeing her anymore as a result of our discussion and the only way he would see her is if she, the mother, brought her! REALLY??? You can't even get visitation approval and who is going to take you to the prison if you do? The part that angers me the most is if there was no validity to our discussion why not just prove it??? Why go on an all out name bashing spree and take my grand-baby away from us if we are wrong on what we saw, thought and felt?
Now you may understand better why I started PART I off with that question. I knew we would be in for one hell of a ride with this one. It is hurting all of us right now but in the long run it will hurt Mi'Jael the most! What are you going to tell her when she asks why she didn't get to see her father? How about when she asks how come she wasn't allowed to spend time with her sister or her other family? You are good with posting all over Facebook how people are flaw, ain't shit or any other negative thing you could think to say but what you should really do is look in the mirror and evaluate yourself! You could be a greater person if you just believe in yourself and fight for what's right for you and your daughter, my grand daughter. Keep haters out of your ear! That same crowd you tell all your business to is that same crowd who turn right around and talk about you.
It's been almost 3 months since I have seen Mi'Jael but GOD is working this out for our family, I know HE is! I have the utmost FAITH that right will prevail and you, as a mother, will do the right thing by your child!
PRAYER: Father watch over Mi'Jael, keep her safe from all harm. Touch her from head to toe with your love Father and what ever ails her, what ever haunts her, what ever keeps her from being happy REMOVE IT NOW Father GOD! Keep her in your loving arms Father and let nothing prevent her from being the happy little girl she should always be! AMEN

The name STORM describes my chaotic and unpredictable nature. My GEMINI mind is ALWAYS running. Here you will find the twists, turns & adversities of my life including weight loss/fitness, natural hair care, my son's incarceration, firearm instruction and simply moving along my Journey to 50. May 2019 I obtained my B.S. in Converged Communications and now I am learning to love again. This will be interesting and to it all I say BRING IT!
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