Strong minded, miss independent
Miss I can do it all myself
Is this why you're alone?
Is this why your man is gone?
One of the greatest beings
Dominance is your thing
Where does the man fit in your equation?
You long for his touch
His time
And company
Yet when he comes around
You shun him away
What is this attitude you give off?
Queen, to excel we must let this go
What is this insecurity all about?
Queen, if you love your man
And you love yourself
How can you let his whereabouts
And the not knowing of them
Upset you so?
Cause you to lose your very essence
The thing that makes you the Queen you
I don't need a man
Is that true or can you not find one?
One willing to put up with the arguing
Fussing and fighting
Finger pointing
Queen, first point that thing at yourself
Are you without fault?
Did you drive him away with your arrogance?

And you, miss if he ain't got no money
If he ain't got no job
I don't need him
Where do you get off?
Have you read the word?
Do you know why you are here?
GOD made woman of man
Get it?
Gold digging heffa's
You are making it hard for us good Queens
Those who work daily
Struggle to raise our children
Sending our kings to the arms of "the
Don't get mad when you see them
It's said they know how to treat our brothers
What are we doing wrong Queens?
Pointing fingers and whispering nastiness
And for what?
First point that finger at yourself
Are you without fault?
Did you drive him away with your arrogance?

Queens, we must get our acts together
Not one reason exist
That prevents
Us from having the Queendom we so deserve
But first we must
Start with the woman in the mirror

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