The name STORM describes my chaotic and unpredictable nature. My GEMINI mind is ALWAYS running. Here you will find the twists, turns & adversities of my life including weight loss/fitness, natural hair care, my son's incarceration, firearm instruction and simply moving along my Journey to 50. May 2019 I obtained my B.S. in Converged Communications and now I am learning to love again. This will be interesting and to it all I say BRING IT!
Back to the way things were or nah?
A few days ago the graphic shown above came across the newsfeed of one of my social media pages and I decided to share. I'm single so no it's not anything I'm going through nor have I gone through because infidelity is an automatic breach of the relationship contract in my book so I am out the door before conversation can be had.
I have to admit, the graphic caption on the infidelity post made me think though. I know people who have remained with their cheating partners, some are still together to this day. There were all kinds of reasons given as to why they stayed but the top three were the children, the conveniences the relationship provided and love. LOVE ... a four letter word that comes and goes but a feeling that lasts forever when it's REAL. The graphic caption was a bit deeper than that though, it wasn't simply would you stay but instead could it go back to EXACTLY the way it was prior to the act of infidelity. On both of my Instagram pages as well as my Google+ the majority of the answers were NO ... not just no but hell no, nope, never and absolutely not.
When I posted this I truly expected to get ALL "NO" responses so that is where I will start; sharing small quotes from some of my friends that responded on the NO side:
"If you have a spot of skin on your body that gets cut, the cut will forever remain. It will heal and scar over but never be the same." -Stanley
"... remember the saying, if you cheat once, you will cheat again!" - Davi
"It'll never be the same ... any time something unusual pops up, may trigger that anger." - JQuinn
"I tried that and all I could think about was the fact that you actually cheated." - Kip
" Simply ... our egos won't allow it." - Derrick
"The founding building block of any relationship is trust. Cheating is the ultimate factor in loss of trust.The very nature of a person will not allow a person to forget being cheated on." - Ben
Now believe it or not, there were some men on the YES side! Yes, men ... this is what they had to say:
"Anything can be worked out with time and healing and when both of you have a made up mind." - Reggie
"I think that if you are concerned with the why's more than the what, you can absolutely overcome cheating." - Tango
Tango and Reggie both make very valid points; with a made up mind and focusing on why the cheating occurred a relationship or marriage can be fixed. There are reasons people cheat and to get to the root of that issue could bring that love back like it was before, maybe even stronger.
After reading Tango's detailed response I actually began to see it from another perspective. It made total sense and as he and Reggie said, if those involved truly want their relationship they will find a way to make it work.
But as for me and my house ... NOPE I personally don't see it happening. I am a faithful woman now (bless my younger years) and I try to do all I can to keep home happy. I won't say I haven't failed a time or two but communication is my thing and if there is unhappiness it will be known. Same should go for my mate, if he is unhappy with me just say so because one of two things can take place: we can either work it out or go our separate ways but cheating is a no-no! It is unacceptable to be a freak in the street then come home to me like nothing has happened.
Don't bring the essence of another woman in any shape, form or fashion back to me. If you want her PLEASE go be with her but don't attempt to keep me in the loop. I have never been one for sharing.
So what say you good folk? Would you be able to trudge through the fact that your partner cheated on you? Would you be able to forgive enough to work on the root of the issue? Could you get pass the feeling of being betrayed?
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