If I'd have known on January 1st when I decided to let my hair grow that I'd be dealing with hair struggles like I am now I'd probably not have done it! My daughter told me it'd be a tedious and sometimes frustrating journey but I figured I'd just lost 50 lbs in 2012 so this should be a walk in the park ... NOT!! My hair is a TYPE 4 grade of hair and as a result it has a 75% shrinkage rate. What does that mean? You will probably NEVER see the real length of my hair no matter how long it gets unless I stretch it out for you. *sigh*
I spent 30-40 minutes washing/conditioning/moisturizing this TWA (teenie weenie afro)! Who'd have thought??

It seemed with each step my fro shrank smaller and smaller! I'd just purchased some Cantu, new product for me, to see how much of a difference it would make. I'd seen this listed in a lot of Natural Hair forums, blogs and post so I decided to try along with my normal products. I'll definitely keep you posted on how my hair responds to it.

The end result ...

I had to go back and look at my hair from January to now in order to really see that there is growth ...

I am now in that 'in-between' stage, that stage I often complained about when I was using the creamy crack and my hair wasn't long or short ... it just was! My daughter told me to find some hair decorations so off to the beauty supply store I will go next week when I am on vacation. That will be the next natural hair blog entry. This journey is REAL and so is the struggle!