Let's start with Dante ... what can I say? I am proud of what he's attempting to do with his life (remain employed, stay FREE and pursue his music career) but there are things I would love to see him implement with a bit more sense of urgency. I won't go into his personal life because after all it is his but he knows what my issues are with him. Praying he can get it all the way together and by 30, if not before, can maintain a healthy life of and on his own.
The weight gain... YIKES!! I left the VI life in 2014 shortly after my son was released. It's been a rough road maintaining. I have to find another focus point to get me back on track. When I started back in 2012 my cardiologist recommended it for health reasons. Most of us hear that from our medical professionals all the time but ignore it. Had my son not been locked up and had 2 lovely little girls I'd probably have done the same but I knew they would need me. How would my son survive behind bars without me? How would my granddaughters know his side of the family without me? I had to make sure I was here to keep that going and once he came home it all went away. My heart seems fine so far and you'd think to keep it that way I'd act right BUT nope, that won't do it especially when I am up late studying and have those late night cravings. This all ties in with the Pescatarian lifestyle as well, no more animal meat just seafood, vegetables and other stuff. I joined the FitBit family so I am hitting those 13000 steps daily, most time it's close if not over 20K due to the line dancing. Being diagnosed with asthma in my 40's has been a mode killer as well. There's nothing worse than struggling to do what you've been use to doing all of your life ... BREATHING!!
That's enough for now ... I'll come back for the school, count down or up to 50 and the love life talk!! I have to study some more for today's exam! This Communications Law and Ethics class is something! This is the last week of school for this semester and I am taking the summer OFF!! California and NOLA travels are on deck and I don't want to have class assignments on my mind during my fun times!
Tootles until we BLOG again! I may even VLOG now ... who knows!
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