Freedom in the Friendship - Part 1

Have you ever had, or maybe still have, that friend that you hold near and dear to you? That one friend that you have secretly been liking or loving for a while but have chosen not to say anything? Then one day JUST LIKE THAT, in one snap, Pandora's box is verbally opened. Now you are no longer tap dancing but twerkin' in the friendship. Where do you go now?

It seems as if the feelings may be mutual between the two of you but since you are unsure you say nothing. This keeps everything clean, in every aspect of the word cleanliness, when it comes to your interactions. From the outside looking in, you are just two very good friends who enjoy each others company from time to time unbeknownst to anyone, on the inside, you long to be by their side in every way possible.

It was easy before since you rarely saw each other, just an occasional text and browse through Facebook pages but when you did hang out it was like you had never been apart. You speak and interact as if no time has passed since your last encounter. Recently the dynamics have changed and you now have to see one another on a more frequent basis due to some new shared responsibilities. Responsibilities you were hesitant to take on because you know how and what you felt but thinking about what issues could arise if you did cross those lines. This was a friend you definitely did not want to lose.

Well, you know like I know, 2016 showed us that time waits for no one and death does not discriminate so to this entire blog I say ...

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