Petty LaBelle and I don't care!

There has been this extremely irritating thing happening to me a LOT here lately and it truly

You can call me petty or whatever but does it grind your gears when you comment on someones post and someone else comments under your comment with their comment? Why can you NOT make your own post thread? Why must you invade mine? It bothered me so bad a few days ago that I had to ask the young lady what about my post made her comment under mine and not her own or maybe even someone else.

YES IT BOTHERS ME and makes me want to delete my comment which will delete the entire comment thread sometimes. If I wish someone happy birthday, why come up under my birthday wishes and to leave your wish ... DO IT ON YOUR THREAD! Let them come to your post and say thank you because when you start that random "how have you been doing" conversation ON MY THREAD I am coming for the damn delete button!

Is it too much for you to make your own comment thread and stay off of mine because for real, for real ... I don't like it, I don't like it, I JUST DON'T LIKE IT. I know I could simply turn off notifications but why should I? One of those responses may be for me but I'll have missed it because you brought your "can't make my own post" behind on mine. WOO SAH ... I feel better now, that's out and I can move on. Will this travesty end now that I have put it in the atmosphere? NOPE ... probably not but will I copy and paste what I wrote, delete the comment someone else commented on and post my original again somewhere else? YEP!


1 comment:

  1. thanks for this story! you are a big master! check and find out whether they can help you to solve the problem with your work search!



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