The name STORM describes my chaotic and unpredictable nature. My GEMINI mind is ALWAYS running. Here you will find the twists, turns & adversities of my life including weight loss/fitness, natural hair care, my son's incarceration, firearm instruction and simply moving along my Journey to 50. May 2019 I obtained my B.S. in Converged Communications and now I am learning to love again. This will be interesting and to it all I say BRING IT!
Can we go back to calling please?
Hey y'all, lets talk for a second, TALK being the key word here! I am not sure the age range of my blog readers but if you are a "digital immigrant" like myself you'll totally understand and relate to this conversation we are about to have. What's a digital immigrant you ask? Well, a digital immigrant is an individual who was born before the digital technology world became widespread and over used. Growing up there was no internet for me until I was 12 but it did not become highly recognizable until 1990 when the world wide web (WWW) was created. I was 19 or 20 at this time, depending on what time of the year it was. The digital immigrant is the opposite of the "digital native", one who was born into the technological world or has partaken of it since childhood. Isn't learning great?
If you are a digital immigrant AND living the single life, like myself, I am sure most of you feel the same way I do. This new age way of communicating is the BIGGEST turn off EVER! I remember house phones that had no call waiting, mounted on the wall with the long cord! This is one of the many reasons verbal interaction was so appreciated. Anyone wanting to make a call or awaiting an incoming call while someone else was on the phone was out of luck! There were NO other calls coming through unless it was an emergency at which time the operator had to break the line and make an announcement. If you broke through and it was NOT an emergency YOU WERE IN BIG TROUBLE!! Anyone remember that?
There was no such thing as carrying an entire text conversation via a digital device when I was growing up. True enough, you could make contact with one (the pager) which in most cases alerted that a call needed to be made BUT that was it! Some of those codes used alerted others of a need but that's another blog entirely. People actually spoke to others on the phone and it was great! The thrill of sneaking in a call after you were supposed to be asleep to talk to friends or that special someone was awesome! Those were the days! Oh, you want to know how old I am aye? How rude! Such nosy folk!
My 47th birthday is approaching quickly! YES ... I am seasoned, vintage ...
In this day and age so many people dying around us due to health issues or homicide so I am glad to say I am not far away from 50 and look DAMN good.
Now back to the subject matter, can we get back to calling please??. I have been single for awhile, only 2 relationships within the past 8-9 years and what I have noticed nowadays in the "getting to know you process", men feel totally comfortable with holding entire conversations via text. I mean the full (sings) getting to know you, getting to know ALL about you conversations via text.
As hard as it is to verbally converse and not have any miscommunication why would you want to risk having that happen via text and possibly lose this new connection you are attempting to create? How much sense does that make? There are plenty of men my age who have converted to this lazy form of communication and they know better! It has become the norm to simply carry on via text or through social media even.
This is so damn impersonal! I mean, I get it, if you are unable to answer the phone because you are working, driving or just not in a position to talk then say that. Briefly text that much and make the phone call when you are free but to carry on an entire conversation via text is insane to me! What has happened to the art of verbal communication? Are people not able to converse in this day and age? Are the short hand conversations via text the way to go?
Overstand, verbal conversation is necessary, vital to growth and eliminates doubt. Texting can be seen as a game we play that revolves around who has the upper hand in the conversation. The one who has yet to respond leaves the other person hanging in limbo wondering "did I say something dumb"? "Did I scare them off"? "Could they possibly be out with someone else"? This could go on with a number of possibilities that a real time conversation clears up immediately. You are more likely to get the honest, unfiltered version of one another on the phone more so than a text. If you like someone have a verbal conversation with them, not text.
The possibilities of misunderstandings and miscommunication is huge when texting. How many times have your fingers hit the wrong emoji or auto-correct changed a word which totally changed the tone of your conversation? How much time did you spend apologizing and cleaning up that potential mess via text when a simple phone call could have prevented it from ever happening?
When you get that good morning/good night text or the "I'm just thinking of you" text, how does it make you feel? Puts a bright spot in your day right? Well, what if the same amount of time taken to type up and send that text was used to simply pick up the phone to say those words to you?
Doesn't it feel good when you know that someone wants to give you some of their time? Being able to hear them say those words instead of reading them, to feel it is meant. This is what happens when you converse on the phone. Not only do you get to hear their voice but you are also getting some of their time. When the focus is on just the two of you that also shows they value your time as well. You can't beat that and this can only be felt with a phone call!
It is OK to text occasionally but not as the main vein of communication. That's not how I want to operate in my relationship nor will I. You digital natives will never understand the joy of simple verbal conversation. Your every day "zombie walk" with faces down in the phone as you walk, eat, even drive indicates you'll miss the simple pleasures we enjoyed in our youth. I won't entertain any man attempting to get to know me via text.
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